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Is there a way for the instructor to see who removed participants/users in conference ?I'm new to this LMS.I hope you can help me. Thank you.

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I built a quiz under "Quizzes." I want to move the quiz so that it is under the "Assignment" tab grouped with other similar assignments. How do I do that?  

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is there a way to un-delete an assignment with scores?? oops

  • 1 Replies

I have a few buttons on my homepage that l now have linked to various external websites and a few with course links to some of my pages. My frustration is that when I try to link the page I want I have to go through tons of pages that have already be...

  • 2 Replies

I need to change an Assignment Group name. How can I do that?

  • 2 Replies

I have set up a recurring event in ConferZoom in Canvas. First, after setting up the meetings, the default "event" still shows up on the canvas conferzoom page, but on my zoom account, it shows the edited title. Second, when I go to edit a recurring ...

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  I am using canvas for teacher, and when my student joined my course, some of them showed up as numbers making Canvas unusable. Please advise. 

  • 3 Replies

I am having a problem hiding grades.  Although it appears that all grades are hidden for an assignment (with the crossed-out eye icon and the grayed option to hide), not all students' comments/grades are hidden (no red stamp saying HIDDEN within the ...

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I created a quiz and after I migrated it into assignments it begins to load and then the page goes blank.  There is a link in the quiz that the students have the open.

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Just wanted to share that creating a master syllabus on G-Sheets has been a game changer. 邏

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I am a math teacher with general knowledge of Canvas. I have a 19-question quiz, where each question pulls from a separate 200 question test bank.  It's great, it allows all students to have different quizes over similar material/skills and grades it...

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Instructor Discussion
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Using Studio, I have embedded quizzes within my video lectures. The students take the quizzes as they watch the lecture--it's great. However, their scores on the quizzes do not populate in the gradebook. I can see student grades in the Studio video i...

  • 1 Replies

I have created my home page in one course-it works and looks great from student view. Then I copied it to my two other courses. From MY view it looks great and all the links work, but from STUDENT VIEW there is nothing there, but the links. Did I cop...

  • 1 Replies

Whenever I start editing using the RCE, I have to drag the eight dots down to make the window big enough to work in. I have to do this EVERY time I enter into editing mode. It is rather annoying and if there is a default setting I need to change, ple...

  • 1 Replies

Am I right to think that the only way for students to see details for a completed quiz - their answers, the correct answers, feedback on a specific question - is for them to access the quiz through the Quiz option in the left menu?I was hoping that t...

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Instructor Discussion
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In reviewing student's work, they have different symbols to show they have submitted something to an assignment. Does anyone have a key for these symbols (I have see T and a document)? Trying to help our SPED teachers monitor their students easily!

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I am trying to create a homepage with links to modules using FlexBox Grid but the problem I'm having is that there is white space between the tabs and I don't like that look can anyone help me figure out how to do this:Any help would be great... I ha...

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With the number of people doing hybrid learning, it would be really helpful if we could assign quizzes to groups of students. I have created A and B groups but can't use them to assign quizzes to different groups on different days. (Honestly, this fu...

  • 2 Replies

I'm using Graded Surveys to give students completion points for doing the work, but because the work is formative learning, I want them to be able to see correct answers in the feedback. The only way they can get the feedback is if I make it a graded...

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We have been working swiftly to make a lot of our content available online and user friendly for both students and teachers. I am very happy with most of the features in New Quizzes on the student end - things are working great for them. It's on the ...

  • 22 Replies

I think it would make my grading faster, and make student interaction more engaging, if in discussions there were the kind of clickable reactions that there is in texting. A thumbs up, an exclamation point, a laughing face, etc. that could allow stud...

  • 1 Replies

I want to set up my modules so that module 1 has to be completed before moving on to module 2.  If I use prerequisites, what happens if I get a new student after the course has started?  Let's say they come in after modules 1-4 are completed.  Does t...

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Is there a time limit on how long my video can be.  I made a 3 minute video, but it did not show up.  When I made a 30 second video, it did.

  • 2 Replies

I have an ungraded quiz that is appearing as both a quiz and and assignment in the to do list on student view. If I fill out one of them as a test student, one of them is taken off of the to do list, but the duplicate remains. If I click on the dupli...

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Looking to add a hyperlink link onto a Canvas Page that will open a canvas message to me as an instructor rather than opening the email client using ""I'm guessing this means an edit on the HTML side of things, but not sure ho...

  • 2 Replies

I have teachers with multiple sections (think Period 1, Period 2). We want to be able to restrict the content of the Assignment from Period 2's view. I was under the impression that "available from" and "available until" limited the content of the as...

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In my graded quiz, I allow multiple submissions and have elected to keep the score. Before fall semester 2020, if a student resubmitted before I graded their quiz, the latest submission overwrote the previous submission in SpeedGrader. I could see pr...

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I'm trying to create my own site and I'm struggling with the possible visions of what it could look like. I'm teaching four periods of science and one period of social studies, so what's the best way to use modules, courses and pages to accomplish th...

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Instructor Discussion
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Hello,I want to add files to a course that only teaching assistants can view. How can this be done?Thanks,Scott Larwood

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Hello,How do I find out what are the Teaching Assistant permissions? I am not an admin.Thanks,Scott Larwood

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