GAME NIGHT (instcon15)

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Join us to learn, play, or mercilessly dominate the competition in board games from Blokus to Rummikub, 7 Wonders to Red7, Love Letter to Ultimate Werewolf, and many more!

10140950254_9cc740a36b_k.jpgWe know that you know what Monopoly is. It's that slow-paced game, where your Grandma's money is all yours because she rolled a 4 and not a 5. Total Domination.

But what if, instead of stealing from your grandma, you could work together to stop global eradication by dominating a rampaging disease? What if, instead of just throwing some dice and counting combinations, you could rampage through the city of Tokyo, battling other monsters, for well, domination. And like Yahtzee, chuck some cool dice, but instead of numbers you get to breathe fire, use a train as a weapon, or shrink your foes? What if you could hop across the country, collecting cards only to claim railroad lines before your competition. Wait, that doesn't sound like fun. But we swear it is!

You may be familiar with old games, but InstructureCon is about new ideas with Canvas, and we want to also bring you new ideas about, well, having fun. If you haven't tried some new board games, you should. And you get to interact with Instructure Employees and peers from around the globe. If you have and you still read all of this, please free to come, interact, teach, and bring a board game of your own.

Most of all, let's have some fun on the last night of InstructureCon!

Brought to you by: Canvas Network

  Location Map: KOKOPELLI BALLROOM (Grand Summit)

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