How Not to Kayak

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I'm competitive by nature and I love to be active anywhere I go.  At home, I regularly bike ride, weight lift, walk, hike, and basically be athletically active however possible.  When I learned we were coming to Keystone, I knew adventure would happen.

The plan was to kayak with my friend Kevin on Wednesday between some sessions that were covered by our other mates.  Off we went in search of adventure.  He was nervous having never done it before and I was confident (cocky) that all would be fine.

We get in our separate kayaks and off we go.  Before leaving dry land, we were smart enough to leave our backpacks behind just in case.  I was very concerned with how Kevin was doing, what with him being nervous about this whole adventure.  As we got out, not even 5 minutes into this adventure everything came to a sudden, but somewhat slow motion end.

I rolled my kayak.

In slow motion I saw everything go sideways and my ego fall into the water. 

Let me tell you, that water was FREEEEEEZING.  I was in a state of shock with how cold it was. My brain was wigging out.  Luckily, I was wearing a life jacket and can swim like a fish so no worries about drowning.  Everyone on the shore was hollering at me and I'm glad they did because it made me think and speak and therefore gain back some composure to process what to do next.  I tried towing the kayak back but due to the utter cold water zapping my system, I just didn't have the strength.  I let it go, let it goooooooo.

I swam back towards the little dock where some of the Keystone staff was rushing to help me.  I tossed them the paddle/oar/whatever and then got out of the water.  I was fine, cold but other than a huge bruise to my ego, I was just fine.

I wanted to go again, but I did not make it out before things closed up on Thursday.  My plan is to go back home and attempt to do kayaking, albeit in warmer water and conquer this sport because the athlete in me needs to win!


This is me after I got out and recovered mentally from the ego crushing defeat at the hands of the kayak.
