My Suitcase May Be Empty, but I am Full of Optimism

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As I stare at my empty suitcase, I took a break to do some thinking. (I have 21.5 hours before I have to be at the airport. I have time, right?) The next few days will be jam-packed with activities, sessions, meet-ups, and other amazing surprises, and I need to be sure that I take the time to soak it all in.


Last year, I attended InstructureCon with another colleague. During the three days of talking about education, blended environments, and new ideas for the school, I thought for sure that my colleague and I would have exhausted every possible conversation. Contrary to what I expected, we found ourselves up much past midnight each night excited about ways to change our best-practices at home. We even talked most of the travel home...while trying to connect online with those we met face-to-face.

I think InstructureCon was so valuable last year because I was surrounded with other Canvas users. Everyone who you met or had a discussion with was using the same LMS and had relatable experiences. It made it possible to really talk about learning and student outcomes! It was exciting to see so many passionate people all in one place. Honestly, it was the most connected I felt to and excited about my profession since I finished my M.Ed program. I cannot wait to experience that again!

This year, I’m traveling to InstructureCon on my own. It'll be different in several ways. First, I kind of know what to expect from the pacing of each day. I have an empty notebook ready to go for inspirational ideas to be jotted down. Second, I found a nifty solar cell phone back up battery so I can be connected here and on Twitter without having to ration battery life. I want to build my PLN, collaborate, and share ideas. Third, thanks to the Canvas Community, I have a plan for meet-ups and activities so I make sure to get the most out of my experience. For a natural introvert, actively engaging in conversations with people I may only recognize from The Community is a little daunting. Conversations with new EdTech nerds enthusiasts can be energizing and inspiring...and that, to me, is motivation.

I'm incredibly optimistic about this week. I'm so excited to learn and to collaborate. I know it's going to be another jumpstart for my teaching practices and admin leadership.


  1. Go into this incredible professional learning opportunity with an open mind (and a lot of scratch paper to keep track of countless ideas and new contacts).
  2. Strike up conversations with random people; you never know who you’ll meet and what you can learn!
  3. Connect! Join in conversations within the Community and on Twitter.
  4. Enjoy yourself and the beautiful location. The whole experience is going to be awesome.
