Sessions - Reserving seats

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I’ve heard that it’s important to reserve yourself a seat for the sessions you plan to attend at InstructureCon.  However I don’t see how to do that in the app.  I do see how to favorite a session but not how to reserve a seat.  Am I missing something?

Thank you for helping out a first time attendee!!

1 Solution
Community Team
Community Team

Hi @KristyMulkey!

This year, seats will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no need to reserve a seat in the agenda app. 

You'll love InstructureCon! If you're interested in hearing from long-time attendees, we have two sessions in Instructure Live that may be of interest! You are always welcome to post questions here too. 

PreCon Experience: Prepare to Explore the Ed-Cosystem 

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