Migrate from Old Quiz Question Bank to New Quiz Item Bank

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I used this process recently with a teacher to create an old quiz using all of the question banks questions, then migrating to a new quiz, so that we could create an item bank for new quizzes. This teacher had 18 or so question banks.

If this teacher were to delete the old quizzes that were used to populate the new quizzes, thus item banks, would it have any impact on the resulting new item banks?

My gut tells me no, but inquiring minds...

Thanks for your consideration in advance,

Curt Greeley

Instructional Technology Specialist

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Hi @CurtisGreeley,

Once the migration process is complete, you should be able to delete the original classic quiz question banks without affecting the new quiz item banks.  I'd encourage you to check over the item banks before doing that to make sure all of the content in them looks good, just in case there was a glitch in the migration.

Hope this info helps!


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