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I have everything set up in Canvas to sync grades to Skyward.  In fact I am able to successfully sync grades from one of my classes to Skyward, but all of my other classes (despite being set up the same) are not able to sync to Skyward.   The only di...

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I'm an instructional technology specialist (Tech Coach) and Canvas admin.  This year, we transitioned to Synergy as our new SIS.  For the most part, the Grade Pass Back (GPB) from Canvas to Synergy has been successful, but we are having trouble figur...

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I need the SIS data to push to Canvas now and not wait for the nightly update. Can someone please help walk me through this? Thank you! Sara

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When creating an assignment on a blueprint, if the Sync to SIS/Sync to Synergy is checked should that selection sync with the associated courses once the blueprint sync is complete?  We have been blueprinting our courses for several years, this is th...

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When an assignment is only assigned to a small group of students rather than the whole class, can the assignment be synced to skyward? We have all of the other settings set to be able to sync grades to skyward, and can sync other assignments and quiz...

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My nightly sync from Canvas to PowerSchool is not working.  I have linked my categories between them and if I do a manual grade sync it works fine with no errors.  I checked the setting in grade sync and the setting is enabled, but in the history the...

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What do I do when I am in the middle of an assignment, and it will not let me move on? A pop-up box came up at the top of the screen telling me there was a problem and to relaunch. I did that and the system is still locked up. I cannot continue. What...

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If I grade an assignment as 0 and missing, then when I finally grade the assignment does Canvas override the 0 grade? I just spent over an hour going through each class and putting 0 and missing for each assignment. Then I posted the grades in Canvas...

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Wondering how to view the submissions from students submitting assignments in canvas MATLAB autograder? The normal speed grader does not show anything for students that have submitted their answers, nor does the download submission button show up bel...

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When I turn on Nightly Sync for Canvas to Skyward, does it sync ungraded or unposted assignments as well?

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Are any other Infinite Campus users experiencing issues with grade passback? Several of our jobs are randomly failing with this error:  Vendor Key or Secret not found or Vendor Key is inactive Retrying the failed sync job will most of the time allow ...

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My passback has been working until this week. When I go to sync the assignments, the assignment title will show up in my Aspen gradebook, but not the grade I have assigned to each student. The error I receive is com.follett.fss.vithar.core.Validation...

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Following the online directions, my assignment is ONLINE submission, Past the Due date, but still does not auto fill all unsubmitted items as "MISSING"  I can get it to work if I manually score each students' work as "MISSING" on the drop down tab, b...

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I keep getting these two errors when I try to sync Canvas to PowerSchool.  What am I doing wrong?  Grade exchange job failed. Status in SIS: failed -producer_failure - 5d6d7479-e010-4aff-a2eb-938bf33c4370 - Non-retryable failure to process grades exc...

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Grade sync is not an option for a quiz a teacher on my campus created.  I have checked assignment categories and dates.  Do all students have to complete the quiz for it to sync?

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When I mark an assignment in Canvas as "Do not count toward Final grade" it does fine in Canvas.  However, when I sync with Skyward shouldn't it also then check the "No Count" box?  This is very inconvenient because right now my Canvas/Skyward does n...

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Hello members, We recently moved to Canvas, this is our first term in the new LMS. We use Banner as database and Argos is the reporting tool. Currently, I am importing Banner data through Argos and manually running the daily SIS imports. The csv file...

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We have students who were deleted from courses (not dropped) in our SIS (Skyward) and their enrollment is still appearing in the Canvas course. Because our enrollments are shared with Canvas via Skyward, only account admins can delete students from c...

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How do I setup Canvas to link Canvas grades to SIS JMC gradebook? I am the school's Canvas admin person.

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My goal is to verify all previous observers have been "deleted" from a student. I know how to view the students assigned to an observer from the observer side. But how do I view the observers assigned to a student, from the student side?  Thank you.

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Hi all, New in an admin role and I have just attempted to to provision a bunch of courses with a course SIS upload. Although it seems I got most of the formatting correct using this to guide me there are a few things that have gone wrong. For one, th...

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I'm having a serious issue where Powerschool and Canvas have stopped talking with each other.  I've submitted a support ticket to the SIS Team, but they are so swamped with tickets, I thought I would try finding a solution in the community.Starting o...

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I have a lesson that I have created in previous years using youtube videos. The videos are linked into the assignment. I click the video and it will show one or 2 ads before showing the ads. The video will then begin and then will have additional ads...

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So I'm still in the Learning phase of being a Canvas Admin.  Prior to me there was a discussion of getting Canvas and Infinite Campus talking so grades could be passed back to Infinite Campus.  We've purchased the necessary item from IC and need to t...

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Hello!   We are having a very frustrating problem and canvas support has so far been unable to help! We are syncing nightly with Powerschool.  When students' schedules are changed in powerschool (ie moved from one class to another) they are properly ...

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We just started infinite campus.  My categories match between the 2 and the nightly syncs work without errors.  However, no assignments really sync because there are no grades.  So, I added some grades in canvas and now I get invalid user.  It has be...

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When syncing PowerSchool with Canvas gradebook there used to be an icon (box with an arrow in it) that indicated the two were synced.  Was there an update that changed that icon to a chain link?

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Does anyone know if it's possible to take grades from Canvas gradebook and import them into Schoology gradebook?

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I have 2 classes cross-listed into one Canvas section.  When I try and sync only the grades from one of the classes gets synced to Infinite Campus.  I get the following message:  Grading category "Quarter 1 Formative" not found in InfiniteCampus 1.2 ...

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