Change Announcement: Consolidation of New Quizzes feature flag to include New Quizzes Importing

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Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Consolidation: New Quizzes feature flag to include New Quizzes Importing (QTI file) flag

Through our iterative approach to development, we will often add feature flags to ensure that if there are any problems with a new feature release, it is self contained. As of April 2021 we are deprecating the New Quizzes Importing flag which was initially added at the end of 2018.

The New Quizzes Importing flag will no longer exist, but the import behavior will automatically be available when New Quizzes has been enabled. 

New Quizzes Importing Feature FlagNew Quizzes Importing Feature Flag

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @SuSorensen,

Can this wait until the issue with importing QTI files into classic quizzes being impossible when New Quizzes are optional is solved.  I believe there are open JIRAs (CNVS-52169/QUIZ-8257) for this.  Perhaps those issues are going to be solved before this rolls out though, in which case you can disregard my comment.


Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @chriscas -- this change will actually resolve that issue! 🎉

Community Coach
Community Coach

Woohoo, party on!  Thanks for responding and letting me know.


Community Contributor


I can confirm that this did not resolve the issue - it actually tied our hands and we have no control to fix it like we did before.

We used this feature flag two weeks ago when we first noticed the issue as a workaround and were happy to have that option. Now with the removal of the feature flag, the import error has resurfaced. When will work begin to address the issue?

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

@jwadec sorry! I should have provided more specificity. This change is currently in beta, and will go to production with the April 15 deploy. Please let me know if your experience does not match the below, or if you anticipated something different. 

Currently in the production environments, the Import as New Quizzes is stuck as checked if New Quizzes was ever used. That no longer happens in the beta environments. So, if New Quizzes is disabled, it is not possible to select the NQ QTI import. If New Quizzes has been enabled in a course, it is possible to choose which way the file should import, either Classic or New. 

Community Contributor


Our team is still seeing this issue. The deploy last night did not address the documented issue.



The import page still has new quizzes grayed out.

Community Contributor

We are still see the same issue as well.



Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Thanks for bringing to my attention that this recent fix wasn't working for your situation. It turns out there were "allow" configurations it was not supporting. That has now been remedied. You'll see that the new quizzes importing checkbox does not appear when the Course has New Quizzes disabled. 

Community Participant

Sue just checking...any  movement on these three issues:

-Being able to download question banks from Classic Quizzes and re-importing them in New Quizzes without having to export every bank to a quiz, exporting them to the computer, importing them into New Quizzes and then moving them into item banks one-by-one

-Being able to import publisher test banks without going through Classic quizzes

-New Quizzes compatibility with Respondus 4.0 to import word doc exams?


Thanks!:) Colleen

Community Participant

Is there an update on when Canvas developers will solve all the partial credit issues? Going through these to manually adjust every student's scores adds hours of work throughout the semester to fix what the system should handle automatically. I've had conversations with software developers that tell me this should be an easy fix. I don't understand why Canvas is dragging its feet on an issue that we have been begging for since New Quizzes were released and would benefit students and faculty alike. Please solve this before we go back in the Fall!

Community Champion

@chalupa you can skip exporting to a computer, because the copy course feature will let you select the quizzes to copy.  Also check out: It says that copying an entire quiz to a bank is in progress but not a part of the next set of features to be added.