Idea is currently in development

First i still see the entire exam of one student, not just one question.  Second I am not able to look at a grade all of one particular question for ALL of my students at one time.  This gives a more consistency in grading and makes it go quicker.  Clicking through each student for each question takes a long time for it to load and when you are talking about 15-20 questions for 61 students that is a lot of going to the top of the screen and clicking and waiting. 


Originally posted by Jill Feinstein

Also requested by Kevin West and Ed Finn

Comments from Instructure

We have several related ideas we're tracking around this request:

Compile all essay responses to a quiz question on ...

Add Grade by Question Feature in New Quizzes

Improve Grade One Question at a time (this one)

New Quizzes: Grade by Question on one page

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