How do I use the Canvas Parent app on my Android device?

The Canvas Parent app lets you view a student’s course events, upcoming assignments, and grades. You can also add and view multiple students in your account.


  • The Canvas Parent app uses your device's settings to set the time zone used within the app.
  • When creating an account, you can link one observed student in the Parent app. Learn how to link additional students in the Parent app.
  • You cannot remove observed students in the Parent app.
  • To change the language displayed in the Parent app, select a language in Canvas from a web browser, log out of the Parent app, and log in again.

View Parent App

View Parent App

In the Canvas Parent app, you can view the User Menu [1], select a student [2], and view the student's courses [3], the student's weekly calendar [4], and alerts about the student's course participation [5].

Open User Menu

Open User Menu

In the Dashboard, tap the Menu icon.

View User Menu

View User Menu

From the user menu, you can:

View Students

View Students

Your added student's name and profile picture display in the Parent app. If you have multiple students associated with your account, you can view another student by tapping the Student drop-down menu [1], then tapping the name of the student [2].

Note: Student profile pictures only display if the student's institution allows students to upload profile pictures.

View Courses

View Courses

By default, the Parent app opens to the Courses page. You can view a list of courses and current course grades for the student you are viewing. Learn how to view course assignments and activity details.

Note: In the Courses page, when the course grade is set to display as a letter grade, the grade percentage also displays.

View Calendar

View Calendar

You can view course assignments and events in the Calendar page. Learn how to view the calendar.

View Alerts

View Alerts

The Alerts page displays grade and assignment alerts. Learn how to view alerts.

Note: The Parent app displays assignment details and grades. Student assignment submissions can only be viewed in a Canvas browser.