How do I get help with the Canvas Parent app on my Android device?
From the Help Menu, you can reference the Canvas Guides, report a problem, request a new feature, or write a review.
Open User Menu

In the Dashboard, tap the Menu icon.
Open Help

Tap the Help link.
Search the Canvas Guides

To search the Canvas Guides, tap the Search the Canvas Guides link. The app will open your mobile browser and display the Canvas Guides search page.
Report a Problem

If you encounter a problem in the Parent app, tap the Report a Problem link.
Create Report

Enter a brief description of your problem in the Subject field [1]. The Parent app automatically includes your Canvas URL and the Parent app version you are using.
Compose your message with a explanation of your problem in the Description field [2].
Specify the impact of this problem using options in the How is this affecting you? drop-down menu [3].
When you are ready to submit your report, tap the Send link [4].
Submit a Feature Idea

If you have a recommendation for improving the app, or to request a feature in the app, tap the Submit a Feature Idea link. You can send an email with your update request to the Canvas mobile support team from your user account email address. The email will auto-populate with your contact and Parent app details.
Share Your Love for the App

To leave a review of the Canvas Parent app, tap the Share Your Love for the App link. The app will open the Play Store where you can leave feedback.