How do I send a message from an assignment page in the Canvas Parent app on my Android device?
You can send a message to your student's Canvas instructor from an assignment page in the Canvas Parent app using your mobile device. You can also send a message to your student's Canvas instructor from the course page and your Canvas Inbox.
The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps.
Open Course

On the Courses page, tap the course name.
Open Assignment

Open the course assignment.
Open Message

To send a message to the course instructor, tap the Message icon.
Compose New Message

The course instructor's name automatically displays in the To field [1]. If the course has multiple instructors or TAs, you can add or remove recipient(s) by tapping the Recipients icon [2].
The subject of the message displays automatically with the name of the assignment. However, you can edit the subject content, by tapping the Subject field [3].
To compose your message, tap the Message field [4]. Use the keyboard to type your message.
To attach a file to your message, click the Attach icon [5].
Send Message

To send your message, click the Send link [1].
To discard your message draft, click the Back link [2].