[ARCHIVED] [ARCHIVED] New Turnitin LTI Issues

Community Champion

Goal: This discussion is to highlight the issues experienced while implementing the new Turnitin LTI.

I hope this discussion will help other admin implement this tool with a full understanding of it's limitations and functionality. We are a fully online school and implemented this tool without testing (our first mistake). We use a course copy model to create every course. Our LTI settings are copied over (without dates) from our master courses.

Overview of our Pain Points:

  • Multiple dates (start date, due date, feedback release date)
  • Resubmitting assignments
  • Assignment parameters
  • Rubrics
  • Submit Button
  • Additional options
  • Already submitted work

Multiple Dates

We have found multiple issues/errors that happen due to dates. An assignment has 3 different slots for dates: start date, due date, and feedback release date. We've found that:

  • The due date can not be the same as the feedback release date. This will generate an error and the behavior will not allow the student to submit work. Our workaround: We went in to every assignment and adjusted the feedback release date to be 2 days after the due date. Note: the due date can not be change from the TII settings- this must be adjusted on the assignment.
  • The start date is created when you enable the LTI on an assignment. The start date must be before the due date.

Resubmitting Assignments:

The TII LTI will allow assignments to be resubmitted up until the due date. However, this must be enabled on the assignment. Students are no longer able to resubmit work after the due dateNote: once a student resubmits work, the original work and teacher comments will be lost in the Feedback Studio.

Assignment Parameters:

We found multiple errors caused by our preexisting assignments. This will generate an error and the behavior will not allow the student to submit work. Assignment parameters:

  • Assignment title were too long- the max is 99 characters
  • Assignment title using a ; (this might have been resolved recently)
  • Assignment point values were not a whole number
  • Assignment due dates matched the feedback release date (see multiple dates above)


Assignments with the TII LTI enabled, the rubric is "replaced" with the TII LTI. Resulting in the rubric appearing as "not on the assignment." However, in Speedgrader the rubric is still attached to the assignment.

Submit Button

The location of the button is somewhat hidden to students when the LTI is enabled. Traditionally, the button is in the top right corner, which they grow accustom to. However, the LTI moves the button to the lower portion of the screen and is within an iframe. And depending on the device or browser, the student also has to scroll within the iframe to find the button.

Additional Options

Be sure to review the additional options carefully. We have dozens of assignments in one course, which makes any adjustment very time consuming. Options to consider: accept various file types, etc.

Already Submitted Work

If students have already submitted work and you enable the LTI after, all of the already submitted work will be lost.

Please feel free to add to this discussion so we can all help each other during this transition.

Thank you,


Higher Education

Canvas Admins

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