Setting up the Portfolium SSO link at the global level in Blackboard

By default, the Portfolium LTI SSO link shows up in the course sidebar. If you want Portfolium to be installed in a Tools menu on the home page, then you need to install the Basic LTI Building Block by Stephen Vickers.



NOTE: This only works if you are on a managed or self hosted client. If you use the new Blackboard Learn SaaS (Blackboard Ultra), it will not work.

Configure the tool link

Step 1:
Download the BasicLTI Building Block from Oscelot. 

Step 2:
Install the BasicLTI building block
(System Admin → Building Blocks (section) → Building Blocks → Installed Tools → Upload Building Block)

Step 3:
Configure the tool
(System admin → Tools and Utilities (section) → Basic LTI tools)

Step 4:
Select the Register New Tool button.

Step 5:
Select the "By XML" tab, and use the following URL (leave the XML descriptor empty):

Step 6:
Submit the form with the black "Submit" button in the bottom right of the screen.

Step 7:
Add the Consumer Key and Secret in the "Edit registration" settings for the tool.

Step 8:
Submit the form with the black "Submit" button in the bottom right of the screen.

Step 9:
Allow guest access in the "Edit registration" settings for the tool. This will allow the Portfolium LTI SSO link to show in the tools block on the homepage for instructors and students.
(Hint: the checkbox is at the bottom of the page)

Step 10:
Submit the form with the black "Submit" button in the bottom right of the screen.

Step 11:
Next, we need to make this tool a "user tool"

Step 12:
Activate the tool by selecting the checkbox next to it, select "Status", then choose "Enable".

Add the tool link to the My Tools module

Step 1:
Add the new tool
(System Admin → Communities (section) → Tabs and Modules → Tool Panel)

Step 2:
Add a new tool to the panel, and select the new "Portfolium" tool that was created.
(Hint: we recommend naming it "Portfolium")

Step 3:
Submit the form with the black "Submit" button in the bottom right of the screen.

Step 4:
Drag & drop the new Portfolium tool link to the position you want it displayed in the list.