Apply Status [missing, late, excused] while in Speedgrader

This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas

For more information, please read through the  Canvas Release Notes (2021-10-16) .

With the new Gradebook, you can apply one of these status items to an assignment:



Our professors would like the ability to toggle different status markers while they are in Speedgrader.

Community Novice

I would LOVE to see this feature. We just got canvas for our school and I am finding it very annoying to get out of speed grader to give missings or lates and then go back to speed grader. It should be something fairly easy to add. 


Community Novice

I would love it if I didn't have to go back and find those students who had not yet submitted an assignment while working through SpeedGrader.  I am an new user and am coming over from Infinite Campus where there were one letter codes for statuses and I had grown quite accustomed to using this.  I hope to see this functionality soon!  Thank you!

Community Participant

This absolutely needs to happen! 👍

There are many reasons why I would want to excuse or adjust a late assignment. Currently I would have to go to a different tab and find that student and click on their name to open up the side tab. Then to have to do this multiple times is just not efficient nor up to the standards I expect of Canvas.

Community Member

+1 !!!!!

Community Explorer

Yes, please, please, please make it possible to adjust a late or missing or excused penalty from speedgrader AND from each student's individual grade page. Then, I can do it while I'm grading resubmissions or the work of students who had extensions, and for students who were late on a week of work for emergencies, I could go to their grade page and remove the late grades on quizzes and other automatically graded work, too! 

Community Novice

When in the Speed Grader you should be able to change a Status of the assignment, not just in the Gradebook itself.  

Also, it would also be nice to have a "change all" status. For example, if I need to change a due date and all the boxes are red because the assignment was not submitted, it would be great to change them all to "None".

Community Member

When grading an assignment in speed grader, I would like to be able to click late or missing. Right now I can add a zero, but I need to individually go to grades to put the missing or late flag on. It would be speedier if I could do this in speed grader. 

Community Team
Community Team
Status changed to: Open
Community Champion

@karvidson , great idea! Please also consider rating or commenting on this closely aligned idea conversation:

Community Member

I have teachers asking for this right now!!! It would be such a time saver, especially when we are already dealing with multiple sections and virtual vs. face to face vs. remote.