[Inbox] Add rich-content editor to Conversations

As a user, I would like to be able to use the rich-content editor to compose messages in the Conversations inbox. This would enable me to create Conversations that are on par, formatting- and content-wise, with Announcements. (Students seem to read Conversations messages more diligently than Announcements.)


transferred from the old Community

Originally posted by: Mia Nolan

Special thanks for contributions by: Stefanie Sanders

Community Contributor

I'm already there too! Smiley Happy

Community Participant

Truly, conversations needs to be completely replaced with robust email: editor, subject lines, list format, folders....I find Conversations simply chaotic.

Community Participant

I'm anxious to hear about updates to the editor in conversations. I also would love for access to conversations for my course, without having to leave the course. The inbox in global navigation is a great if I just want to read conversations but I find it confusing when I'm working in a course and want to see conversations related to the course - that I leave the course. If you agree, here is an idea I posted


Hi  @jlg65 ​,

As  @peytoncraighill ​ mentioned, we don't currently plan to add a rich content editor to conversations.  However, the idea of being able to message students without having to get out of the screen you are in and go to the inbox first is something that is more likely to be developed.  Without saying anything about timeline or specific features, I can tell you that this is something we would like to get on the road map, resources and other necessities permitting.

Community Participant

Thank you.

Community Explorer

As I am following along with this conversation, it would be great if there was a WYSIWYG editor in the Conversations tool (Canvas's email system). We are currently in the process of transitioning our courses from ANGEL to Canvas. Instructors are having a hard time with the Conversations tool as they cannot mark up text or add hyperlinks as they are used to. Several instructors are using the announcements tool when sending out email to an entire class, but they are still concerned about this as they would like to do so when not sending out a mass email. Since students can set up their notifications so it is customized to the user (which is great), students can choose to turn on/off functionality and one of these would be to NOT receive an email when an announcement is posted. Additionally, students who are taking multiple courses at a time, may want to have notifications set up differently to meet the needs of each course, but users can only set up notifications globally and are not customizable for each course. I believe that the more we transition our courses, we are going to continue to hear that this is a concern. Is there any way that this can be reconsidered?

Community Novice

Yes to the suggestion above. I teach an online-only class and therefore need to communicate with my students via email frequently. I find it disappointing that CANVAS does not allow us use bold/itlaics or change font size in Conversations. These seemingly minor features can do a lot. CANVAS may not have thought that Conversations would be a primary way to communicate with students, but it is the most efficient way Penn State instructors can email the entire class. Please  reconsider!

Community Team
Community Team
  Idea is currently in Product Radar Learn more about this stage...
Community Member

If this was added to Canvas, hopefully it could also include a fixed width font. Yes, they're unattractive, but they're very useful for writing out lists on rows so that what does not change from row to row lines up, and what changes readily shows the differences.

Community Participant

We have just completed our pilot with Canvas and are ready for a soft launch in the fall.  LOTS of complaints about conversations.  I agree with a total revamp.  I hope this can get moved higher up on the radar soon.