Canvas Ideas

Ideas are submissions from Community users. Instructure reviews these ideas weekly.

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1679 Ideas in: Open

@people list is alphabetical by last names, which is not helpful. Please add sorting function by "First Name", "Section", "last Activity" and "Total Activity". All other tabular lists should be sort-a...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 96 Replies

We would like the ability to enable and disable Conversations/Messages and its features, like "Reply All", at a Course Level.   While these features can be edited at a role level, each course may have...

Community Novice Canvas Ideas
  • 29 Replies

I would like to see a more global option to enable/disable the display of MISSING/LATE assignment labels to our students in their Gradebook. While I appreciate the effort to address our initial concer...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 64 Replies

in the new gradebook it would be great if there were separate policies for each assignment or even for each assignment group.  We have different policies for our participation than for typical assignm...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 68 Replies

Finding a specific message in the Canvas Inbox is a difficult task due to the lack of a search feature. This is compounded for instructors of large courses, who may have thousands of students over the...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 25 Replies

I would like to suggest that when admin reports, like unpublished and unused courses, are run that there is some indication of 1) whether the course is cross-listed, and 2) which course it is cross-li...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 18 Replies

In Canvas Catalog:   We would like the ability to duplicate catalogs for the purpose of:   1. We have the need to associate a subcatalog with a parent catalog. Currently, the only option is to create ...

Community Coach Canvas Ideas
  • 10 Replies

As a course design assistant, my dashboard gets entirely too overloaded and the need to scroll to find the course I need to access can go on for a while due to the size of the cards. I would love to b...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 29 Replies

If you are enrolled in a Catalog course and you remove your enrollment via Canvas that information isn't passed to Catalog and so it will look like you 1) never were enrolled, or 2) look like you're s...

Community Coach Canvas Ideas
  • 16 Replies

Previously under the title "Link to External URL"   When linking to an external url that Canvas will not (or cannot) embed, link should automatically open in a new tab or window.  Currently, Canvas op...

Community Novice Canvas Ideas
  • 87 Replies

Very simply, when you highlight a phrase in the content editor, and link it to a file type that is supported by "scribd," (e.g., "Word" or "PDF"), it should display a preview icon that the student can...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

Hello, I've noticed my students scrolling down long pages of modules to get to the latest assignment, and I've had to do this myself. It gets old. So I wanted to order the modules in reverse order wit...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 14 Replies

Would it be possible to add a notification option for changes in course enrollment? Simply utilizing the current notification process, but with an additional option. Thus the course owner can be notif...

Community Novice Canvas Ideas
  • 28 Replies

The ability to upload an attachment directly into an announcement only allows for the upload of one document.  While documents could be uploaded and linked from the user’s files, it would be preferred...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies

Certain announcements are critical to the classroom success and having them always present on the front page previews would be ideal to maintain their classroom visibility.  We’d like a checkbox optio...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 22 Replies

I have browsed around a bit and am thinking i am missing this so feel free to close this down if it's a duplicate but in working with our large enrollment computer science classes I've noticed that it...

Community Champion Canvas Ideas
  • 52 Replies

When using the Speedgrader, an instructor may need to revise the student’s score from the rubric to account for late submissions or other penalties or credits to the score not indicated in the rubric....

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies

This is not a new idea (see below). However, since many of the responses appear to suggest creating a Feature Idea... I have tried to title this so that it includes words that will get picked up multi...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 34 Replies

Currently Blueprint does not sync or link the Feature Options sections under Course Settings. This is a very important option to manage. For example, if a course master is setup with "Mastery Paths", ...

Community Novice Canvas Ideas
  • 11 Replies

When a course is deleted (or when someone resets a course which deletes/replaces it) the Blueprint associations stay with the deleted course. In order to free them up you have to figure out the course...

Community Champion Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies