Canvas Ideas

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1669 Ideas in: Added To Theme

It would be great if there were a way for students to preview the assignments in a module.  My students will turn in blank assignments so that they can access the next module to see what's comping.

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 2 Replies

Canvas will not open .fig file (Matlab). Installing MatLab Grader does not resolve the issue. Currently, the file must be downloaded in order to open or the professor must hand-code the correct html...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

Many of our courses are team-taught with several instructors and TAs. I would like the ability to run a report showing what changes were made to the course showing a date/time stamp along with the use...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

Currently, when a moderator selects the final grade, only feedback made by the grader who gave that mark is made available to students.  This creates problems in some circumstances (e.g. this post in ...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 10 Replies

It would be a great help if the option were made available to download student submission and the SpeedGrader comments at one time and in file. As it is right now, professors can download all the subm...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

By default, we do not allow Instructors (Teachers) to add Students to their course, since these course enrollments are populated by our SIS. The problem is that the instructor can add other Roles to t...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 3 Replies

It would be great if Studio had an option in addition to "retake" a quiz to simply "watch the video again." This would allow students who've already passed the quiz to watch the video multiple times w...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

I'm not sure why push notifications for discussion boards were disabled, but please reenable them.  I'm a student and they were a great way to get notified when there was a new post, or response.

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 43 Replies

It would be awesome if Canvas allowed instructors to restore their new quizzes to previous "versions" after edits/changes are made. This would be similar to Google docs where you could write up a enti...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 7 Replies

Instructors should be allowed to navigate between any student's test log after clicking "view log" in the moderate this quiz section. The way this would work would be similar to speed grader where the...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 6 Replies

In speedgrader, if you click on the trash icon next to an annotation, you get a modal that asks "Are you shure you want to delete..." with options Cancel/OK. OK is highlighted as the default choice. B...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 4 Replies

In our honours project course we run group projects and we require double-marking of final theses/reports for quality control. Unfortunately, there is an inexplicable limitation in Canvas that you can...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

Hi All I have been speaking to a few colleagues about tracking locations of questions/items when reviewing quizzes and associated analytics. We have several quizzes where questions are randomly select...

Community Contributor Canvas Ideas
  • 9 Replies

As a teacher, I would like to have a "search" function on the Group session. When a student wants to switch group, is so annoying that I have to open group one by one to see where is that student and ...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 3 Replies

In the formula questions, you can select the number of decimal points a number should have, but in the preview of the generated solutions it will display with fewer decimal points if there are trailin...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

With 100% remote teaching during the COVID pandemic, I and my colleagues are blending synchronous and asynchronous content. We are creating quite a few videos that we house in Studio and embed into Ca...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 12 Replies

Placing an option to message a student from within Speedgrader would be wonderful.  I know there's a comment section but I find students rarely look at that.  

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 5 Replies

CSV-imports are great for SIS-integrations and bulk updates. However, it happens that we just wish to update one user status, i.e. reactivating a user. This would be easily done if admins have access ...

Community Member Canvas Ideas
  • 2 Replies

I am an instructional designer supporting and instructor who is using team based learning. In his course he has students take a quiz individually, then the same quiz as a team. The second team based q...

Community Participant Canvas Ideas
  • 18 Replies

The regrade function in New Quiz is really useful, but we'd like to see the option to add more than one alternative correct answer.  For example, an instructor recently ran a quiz with his students, a...

Community Explorer Canvas Ideas
  • 2 Replies