Bug Report: Canvas Student for Android v6.25.1 Submitting Blank Forms Instead of User Selections

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I'm a user of the Canvas Student app on Android. I've noticed that after updating to v6.25.1 some multiple-choice assignments fail to submit my chosen responses and instead submit a blank form with all answers marked wrong. This seemingly happens at random and seems to only occur when I submit assignments on my (Android) phone through the app and not when submitting them in a browser on desktop.


In an attempt to troubleshoot this issue, I've managed to reproduce the bug via a Free-for-Teacher account and a published quiz with unlimited attempts. Using Appium to automate submission on the student app, I recorded a blank form being submitted 5 out of 100 times the program ran. This proves that this issue isn't specific to my institution. However, I am unsure if this bug is universal among Android devices or specific to my relatively old Samsung Galaxy S7.

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @xor8969,

Have you reached out to Canvas Support to report this issue?  It's great to post this on the community site here for awareness and discussion with other Canvas users, but things generally need to be reported to support for them to get investigated and fixed.  Seems like you've done some troubleshooting on your own already, so you could just report all of that to Canvas Support.


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