Automatically message students who did not submit work by due date?

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With all of the functioned offered by Canvas, why does the gradebook not have an option to automatically email students who did not submit the assignment by the due date?

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2 Solutions
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Canvas does have a feature available from the Canvas Gradebook called the "Message Students Who" feature, which allows you to send an Inbox message to any students who have not yet completed a particular assignment. How do I send a message to students from the Gradebook? 

With that being said, this is not an automatic process, as it does require the instructor to initiate the send.  Since there is not an existing related Canvas Feature Ideas, you might consider creating a new request in Ideas. (How do I create a new idea conversation in the Instructure Community?)


This response was created by one of Instructure’s PandaPros. All Canvas and Mastery Connect users are encouraged to schedule a free 1:1 coaching session between July 18 and September 18, 2022. Learn more by reading our blog!

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Community Team
Community Team

Hello there, @sbond5 ...

In addition to the information that @mswope shared, I found a couple Feature Ideas that might be of interest to you:

Please review both of these Feature Ideas to see if either or both of them might be close to what you'd like to see implemented in Canvas.  You might want to consider posting a comment with real-world examples as to why this would be important to you.  You can also give each of those Feature Ideas a star rating.

How do idea conversations work in the Instructure ... - Instructure Community (

Hope this will help a bit...even if it wasn't a direct answer to your question.

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