Canvas logging out while using

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Community Novice

I have been trying to set up my courses. But Canvas keeps logging me out completely randomly — WHILE I am using it literally, not that I walked away. Sometimes, it happens every 30 mins, sometimes every 1 minutes, sometimes a few hours, completely random. I’m using the browser version. The browser would freeze for 5-10 seconds and I am back to the log in page. It is getting very annoying. I’m using it on a brand new ipad with Chrome where everything is most up to date. Is there any reason this is happening? (I was told Chrome is the preferred browser to open Canvas on.)

2 Solutions
Community Team
Community Team

Good morning, @DerekLam ...

While Chrome is a great browser to be using when navigating around Canvas, have you tried using the Canvas Teacher or Canvas Student app (depending on your role in the course) on your iPad instead of the Chrome browser?

I don't typically use web browsers like Safari or Chrome on my own iPad (though I do use it almost exclusively on my laptop)...but since I am a Canvas admin, I will use the Canvas Teacher and Canvas Student apps to do my own testing.  You might want to give one of those a try.

Keep us posted...thanks!

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Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @DerekLam,

I stumbled on this thread while doing aa community cleanup.  In addition to the advice @Chris_Hofer posted, I wanted to let you know this could also be due to a school/institution timeout policy in place for Canvas.  As a Canvas admin, I know Instructure does offer options for short session timeouts if a school wants that, and your school may have chosen that route for some reason.  You could confirm that with one of your local Canvas administrators (usually in the eLearning / IT / Digital Education areas).

Hope this gives a bit more background on the potential issue.


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