How best to write an Assignment so that the Questions are kept in front of students while they answer?

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Everyone answers questions more thoroughly if the whole question is kept right by where answers are added, plus it is easier to grade because you can quickly comment/refer back to the question if needed. 

Currently students copy/paste the assignment into a Google Doc and then submit, but often the questions are not included.  I bet there is an easier/more effective way to do this?


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1 Solution
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How is the assignment being presented? If the assignment is in a PDF, you can use "Annotation" for students to complete the assignment while preserving the questions. If the assignment questions are in the assignment description, the students can still see them while entering answers in the Text Entry box. For some assignments, I do instruct students to copy and paste the questions in to the Text Entry box, but I don't know of a way to have this Text Entry pre-populated with the questions.

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