How can I regrade a quiz with attached question banks

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After completing a quiz with question banks, I noticed an error in one of the answers . . . actually a student did.  When I go back to the question bank and change the answer, it does not regrade the quiz.  How can I make this happen.  PS I have 250 students and really don't want to have to go into speed grader for every kid and regrade manually.  Please tell me there is a way to do this.

1 Solution
Community Champion


Unfortunately you can't regrade a question if it's being pulled from a question bank.  I've linked to a guide page below and here is the part you were hoping not to see.

"Regrade Restrictions

Quiz regrade does not apply to questionslinked to a question bank since questions may be used in more than one quiz."

What options can I use to regrade a quiz in a course? 


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