How do you make a Canvas Quiz a group assignment?

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The only way I could build this activity was to make it a Quiz, but it's supposed to be a group activity. Where is the checkbox that lets me do that?

In fact, where it it on a "regular" assignment? Did that change when they moved the due dates to a separate screen?

This has become such a pain to use!

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2 Solutions
Community Contributor

Canvas Quizzes are always done individually. You cannot set up a Quiz as a "group activity."

Instead, you'll need to create a Group Assignment.

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Hi @lglen2,

@SusanNiemeyer is correct that quizzes are always individual assignments in Canvas right now.  You are also correct though that an exact "matching" activity is only available in quizzes.  I'm afraid the assignment might need to be redesigned somehow into something that would work for groups, which is generally text submissions or file uploads at the time of writing this answer.

I know this may not be the answer you wanted to receive, but I hope the info helps!


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