How to edit a pending invite to make sure the email address is the correct one that was sent?

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How to edit a pending invite to make sure the email address is the correct one that was sent? Or even view the email that was entered and sent to a student?

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1 Solution
Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

Hi @BobDavis !

Thanks for reaching out to the Community, hopefully I can answer this for you!

I double checked our documentation and it doesn't look like this is currently a function, as editing an invite that has been sent out or is in the process of being sent out may not be something that engineering could make an option. I do apologize for the inconvenience! 

You may consider making a post on our Ideas Conversations page, which is the best way to get a feature request up to our Engineering team. As I said before, it may not be something feasible for them to add, but you are more than welcome to send the request up:

Let me know if you have any other questions. Have a great day!

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