Is it possible to make within-course-section-calendar-events visible to not enrolled students?

Community Explorer

Hi there,

I have a question regarding visibility of syllabus and calendar events.

This is the process we have at my school:
- students pick their own courses before a term starts;
- every course syllabus is set to "public within the institution", so students can see them without being enrolled in the courses;
- we have a number of groups for each course with set dates;
- we create the course sessions in the calendar in advance, and these pop up at the bottom of the syllabus, so students can see the dates (again, without being enrolled in the course).

Our issue is:
If we create calendar events within group sections (i.e. the future student groups) then the events won't show up in the bottom of the syllabus as summary. The issue is that once we have the final student groups enrolled in their sections, they see every group's calendar events which is confusing for some. The double-work solution is to remove the originally created calendar events and recreate them within the sections but this is just meh.

The question is:
Is there a way to create calendar events within sections that are visible to unenrolled students? 


Thanks if you have any tips!

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