Item Banks - What happens when a teacher leaves?

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We have several teachers who are leaving our district.

One of our teachers has made item banks and shared edit access with other teachers.

What will happen to these item banks after the original teacher leaves? Will the teachers with edit access still be able to access these item banks or will they disappear?

Two important notes:

  • We do not delete the accounts of users when they leave
  • Old courses get archived


Thank you!

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

TL;DR: The item banks persist.

I did some testing where I created a user, had that user crate an item bank, and then gave edit access to another user. The second user made a change in the test bank, and then I deleted the item bank's author. The second user still has access to the bank and still sees the author as an editor of the bank even though the author is no longer a user. 

it looks like the act of giving another user edit access in effect makes them another owner of the item bank.

Thanks for asking this question, @cannaday_ra. This is good to know for all of us to know.

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