Photo submissions are huge and I can't see the whole image

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I'm an art teacher and my students submit photos of their artwork for their assignments. In the last couple of weeks, when I view their image, it is so large that I can only see about 20% of it, and I can't zoom out. I can move the image around to see the other parts, but it makes it almost impossible to grade their work. This is a new problem that the other art teachers are also having. It is worse with some assignments than others, but is happening with all of them.  On some assignments, almost all the photos are like this.

You can see how large the pushpin is on the screenshot I included, to give you an idea of how large the photos are. 

I have tried using different computers, and the same problem occurs. Almost all my students use the Canvas app on their phone and use the camera function to take their photo. 

I have downloaded different photographs to check file sizes, and the file sizes do not seem to correlate with the problem. 

I have been using Canvas for many years and have never had this problem before. 

Any thoughts?

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1 Solution
Community Coach
Community Coach

Hi @LISADARLING and others,

I'm pretty sure this was recently posted to the known issues area: [OPEN] Impossible to zoom out on image submissions... - Instructure Community - 635496.  It does appear this is currently a bug and something Instructure realized will need to be addressed, but there is no timeline for a resolution yet.  I would say that getting the issue to at least be acknowledged is a big first step on the way to getting it fixed though!


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