Share your Canvas Support L2 horror stories

Community Participant

This thread is for everyone to share their most disturbing encounters with Canvas Support L2. A couple of weeks ago, I shared an experience with a little glitch that affects canvas and amounts to the SIS import not working as intended--students are randomly not enrolled. This was inexplicably fixed by removing course_id field from our enrollments file.

We've since altered our own SIS files to accommodate this bizarre glitch, but as we were dealing with L2 on this issue, one of the techs described a possible solution as such:

"...this change is only going to be necessary for the enrollments CSV alone, which we can manage so that the generation of the CSV from your side doesn't need to change at all. This change would be entirely from our side, where in we would automatically just remove the course_id field from the enrollments CSV alone before we send the CSV's to Canvas for import."

This struck me as odd. I've worked with Canvas, begrudgingly, for 8 years now and had never heard of anything like that. Our desperation to fix this led to us to agree with the tech. OK, let Canvas support alter our files from here until eternity.

Surprise, surprise, the next morning a different tech took charge and hit us with this:

"Apologies for any confusion on this case. I understand that my colleague said we could manage this on our end; however, there is no mapping that we could put in place on your Canvas integration to remove the 'course_id' column from the enrollments.csv file only. Unfortunately my colleague is not in office to provide clarification, but it was agreed among my team that this is not possible to remove columns from the CSV files. I recommend working with your SIS to make sure the 'course_id' column is removed from the enrollment CSV file only."

We need to be able to talk to these L2 technicians. For some reason they are shielded by our customer success managers who are well-meaning but lack the technical knowledge to be effective liaisons between account admins and L2 techs. Some of our issues are very complex and it's very frustrating to wait 12 hours for a response and then see that tech has misinterpreted all your information. Soul-crushing. That's the best way to describe the feeling when L2s do that.

I'd love to read some other horror stories. Has Canvas support burned you in the past? Have they created undue stress and chaos at your job? Let's discuss it here.

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