The student's uploaded assignment is empty...Why?

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A student is having a strange issue; when she tries to upload a file in an assignment, the document becomes empty. This has happened to two different students. I don't understand why this happens or how to resolve the issue. The size of the files are 0MB, so there is no content whatsoever. The issue seems to occur in PDF-files, films and docx-files. 

309203_Empty hand in.jpg

Edit: when she sends the files to my regular e-mail they work just fine. So there is nothing wrong with the files themselves. 

Kind regards, 


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1 Solution
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When it's not displayed in the Canvas previewer, typically it has to do with a corrupt file that Canvas can't convert and display. If the student emailed you file, are you able to masquerade as the student and submit the file? If so, the file is not corrupt and the problem might be related to the browser type/configuration. 

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