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I've had discussions in my courses for years, and as I'm preparing copied courses for publication in the coming semester, I've noticed the option to click "This is a Group Discussion." What does that mean? I thought all discussions were "group" becau...

  • 1 Replies

We use Talis integration to show resource lists for various courses, and generally it works reasonably ok. Is it possible to attach multiple Talis resource lists to one course? The use case is that for their final project course, students are permitt...

  • 1 Replies

I've been using Canvas for several years at multiple organizations using PC and Mac and various web browsers such as IE, Firefox, and Chrome, currently using a Mac with Google Chrome. I've never seen this before ---My Canvas pages all show the icons ...

  • 7 Replies

I have a problem with my Canvas LMS for a class the community has no solution for. I need help from a professional IT person. The thread directs us to "contact the Instructure Help Desk," but a search of this site shows no link to that thing if it ex...

  • 6 Replies

Greetings,  Students are mistakenly enrolled in Canvas, Course 3 instead of Canvas, Course 2. To avoid assignment overlap, the students must be transferred to the correct course. What are the steps to solve this issue?  Thank you 

  • 1 Replies

Wir sind ein Weiterbildungseinrichtung und würden Canvas gerne als LMS nutzen. Was kostet es im Jahr für rund 100 Nutzer? 

  • 1 Replies

I’m a freshman and online. I know it is early to be thinking about finals but I live 2 hours away from campus and was figuring out if you had to go in person to take finals or if every is online. I assumed some people answering hopefully had done onl...

  • 1 Replies

Currently, I have CANVAS set up to give an automatic 0 for assignments not completed by the due date.  Previously, assignments that had not been attempted showed up with a ' - ' mark in Grades. Now, students get a false impression of their grades, as...

  • 7 Replies

Hi We have an integration set up with Microsoft so that Teams groups can be used with Canvas primarily for the purposes of OneNote administration.  Previously, when the integration was activated at the course level, the Teams classroom/course was cre...

  • 1 Replies

I have a question/problem related to due/available dates and access to materials course materials.   I have already consulted the Canvas community resources (

  • 2 Replies

Hi all, I need to copy my master courses from one canvas school instance to another canvas school instance.  I am the Canavs IT Admin for 2 schools (same parent company), and I would like to copy all the master shell courses for a few programs from 1...

  • 1 Replies

Have new enrolled student(s) and need to forward Class Zoom sessions (Meeting Notices) to them so they appear on the students calendar in Canvas.

  • 2 Replies

We have in Canvas courses that have no enrollments; is there a way to send a file with those "wrong" sections and have them deleted/removed from Canvas?

  • 2 Replies

We are testing a self enrolled course which has three sections (A, B and C).  Whenever our test students use the enrollment link they are automatically sent to section C.  Is there a way to indicate which section the student should be enrolled in via...

  • 1 Replies

Hi Last autumn 2023 the teachers created classes as usually through SIS. Now they are creating courses for autumn 2024, and want material from autumn 2023, but it is gone. They can still find the courses, the students are still enrolled, but all the ...

  • 1 Replies

I am a teacher in a High School. I want to assess Year 7 students of Japanese by having them 1.  Complete a quiz (using a variety of the quiz functions) and2. Record themselves speaking and upload this.  (This function is in the assignments area) The...

  • 5 Replies

Is there a way for me to enter in math expressions/equations directly to the rich content editor without using the equation editor? I have a lot of math that I need to insert and clicking on the equation editor every single time gets tiring since it'...

  • 2 Replies

With Flipgrid becoming part of Microsoft Teams and closing on September 30th, has anyone found a good LTI alternative to Flipgrid? Thanks!

  • 1 Replies

Why aren't the assignment rubrics automatically attached? The rubrics are in the course content. Why do teachers have to spend a lot of time to create the rubrics from the downloaded rubrics in the course content? I find this very unfriendly and a wa...

  • 1 Replies

There is no + button in the people section of an archive class that I would like to share with a new teacher of that class in order to share resources from it.  Is there another way I could share that class with this teacher? 

  • 4 Replies

One of our sub-accounts has manually arranged some columns in their gradebook. I see in the Instructor Guide that "Manual placement is persistent in the Gradebook until the column is reordered." Does that remain the same even next term when they'll c...

  • 2 Replies

My SCORM packages, when copied from the previous month's course, are giving me the following error message:____________________________________________________________________________________The page you were looking for doesn't exist.You may have mi...

  • 3 Replies

I have several teachers who do not have access to external apps anymore. The list is completely empty. Any idea on how to restore those?

  • 5 Replies

As Admin, I have deleted some courses that were old, or no longer fitting our process.   One teacher needs two of his courses recovered. Is there an Archive built in my school's Canvas account that manages this archiving?

  • 2 Replies

I have text entry with a hyperlink and I want to add more detail in parentheses after but as soon as I continue typing behind the hyperlink it automatically continues the link - I don't want this.  If I select only the text I don't want to by linked ...

  • 3 Replies

Hello,When we upload our csv file we get a message saying 'there are no scores changes detected' so nothing appears in the grade book.We've followed this thread ->

  • 1 Replies

As an admin, I need to see the exact time/date a teacher uploaded a video into a module. How do I do that?

  • 3 Replies

I need to have students fill out an evaluation form for their group members; I REALLY don't want them to hand-write them, so I created a fillable form in Word using Developer. The problem is, I had to upload it as a file, but it needs to be an Assign...

  • 2 Replies

I have one student who can't enroll in my class. She clicks on the invite, keys in her email address, clicks "new user", types in her full name, and clicks the check box, but the "enroll in course button" isn't available. I have checked to make sure ...

  • 1 Replies

Hello! I have two questions about how my Canvas Inbox links to the external email listed in my Canvas Profile. In section 1.6 of the "Growing with Canvas" training, it says, regarding the Inbox: "Easy to use: Connected to your main email address; can...

  • 1 Replies