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Embed Audio into a Canvas Page  The <audio> tag allows you to upload audio files into the “FILES” folder in Canvas, and then make that audio playable in a Canvas page.  Note: The best file type for the web is .mp3. other file types will be troublesom...

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
  • 15 Replies

I am creating a rubric for a faculty member, but as you can see on the attached image the lines for each point value don't line up.  Is there anyway to move the lines so they all match up (i.e. 15pt value criteria box matches throughout the entire ru...

  • 8 Replies

Is there a way to delete a student's attempt on a quiz? I know you can allow multiple attempts, but I would like to clear the attempt completely from grades. Is that possible?

  • 28 Replies

Is it possible to create an auto reply for inbox messages on Canvas (for example an out of office message)?

  • 4 Replies

How do I use the student setting to see groups? My assignments have staggered deadlines and I have divided my students into groups for those deadlines. However, when I switch to student view, I can't see any of the group deadlines I've assigned my st...

  • 7 Replies

Can anyone provide any details as to use of #Taskstream, limitations, pros vs. cons, instructions, Etc..I am looking for as much information about the product as possible.  thank you

  • 2 Replies

Hi,The total score column of the gradebook is not matching with the final score. It is, however, matching with the "current" scores column. I can obtain the final scores by exporting the grades to Excel sheet. However, my student's still see the non-...

  • 3 Replies

We're thinking of tweaking our weekly overview pages and I wanted to see how other schools do theirs or if they do them at all!  We have previously done this to give students an "overview" of what's coming up for the week: includes a few paragraphs o...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 23 Replies

 If so, how do you / your faculty/ librarians like it?Does it embed easily in Canvas?Are all the films closed-captioned?Thanks!

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

Hello everyone!   As summer is quickly approaching (what the heck happened to Spring?!?!), I'm thinking of ways to offer summer PD for our faculty and employees via Canvas.  We are Private K12 (9-12 specifically), but our faculty are spread out all o...

  • 3 Replies

Hello! We are working on a project to make it easier for multiple faculty graders to find the students THEY need to grade. We are doing this by building a list of the students they need to grade, with (hopefully) clickable links directly to the assig...

  • 3 Replies

When a student submits a file to an assignment more than once, Canvas will re-name the re-submitted file:The first submission of is named HelloWorld.javaThe second submission of is named HelloWorld-1.javaThe third subm...

  • 6 Replies

Is it possible to share a question bank? I would like to collaborate with another teacher to create a common question bank for our courses, but cannot see how to do this.

  • 11 Replies

Hello,I am trying to help out a colleague. She has been using SCORM to upload her zip files. Everything was working fine until last few days. When she uploads a zip file in SCORM, she gets a message as an invalid file. I also tried to upload my Capti...

  • 7 Replies

Canvas please help us display all content in a PDF file. We have noticed a subtle but significant change in the in-line preview and the file preview tool NOT displaying all the content of PDF files. We can enhance the PDF file so it displays all the ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 14 Replies

Can I mandate a minimum word count as a response to a discussion board? I have my students write answers to questions and they have to post before seeing other replies, but many students try to just put in a "." and then get access to other student's...

  • 5 Replies

Suppose I accidentally click in the wrong row in the Gradebook (because, say, the "Assignment muted" tags won't go away and they are blocking my view of the gradebook column) and I enter a score (including hitting a return). How can I restore that en...

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

How do I open up the Rich Content Editor.  Where in the world is it?

  • 4 Replies

I need to add a parent to observe her son's Canvas course. I thought I could just add her email address inside "people;" however, when I did this I receive "unable to find matches" messages. What am I missing? Once I get her signed in as an observer,...

  • 6 Replies

Has anyone in the community used this product from this canvas vendor? I saw a Twitter about using this tool which made me go look up more information about it’s a capabilities. If anyone is using it, I would love to know how well I it interfaces int...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

I need to give the join code to students and can't seem to find it...I am using the free instruction version and whenever I send join emails the student never gets any in inbox or spam. Is it possible to get the code manually which I can send to stud...

  • 4 Replies

I apologize if this has already been asked, I can't seem to find anything on this, but is there a way to remove options from the course settings. For instance if I want to remove the delete course option permanently in the settings would this require...

  • 2 Replies

I am grading a quiz and I noticed a large percentage of students got 1 question wrong. I want to give everyone credit and I want to do it without having to go through each quiz and do it manually.  Is there a way for me to select a question and give ...

  • 3 Replies

Students uploaded research papers from Google Drive to a Canvas assignment.  When previewing in the Speedgrader, some formatting is not showing up correctly.  For example, the first paragraph is beginning at the bottom of the title page instead of on...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 13 Replies

I need some help getting a video to look good on a Page. Is there a way to have the video play maximized (or 100% width) by default instead of having the small minimized preview (shown on left in screenshot)? When I add the video as a file to Modules...

  • 5 Replies

Hello, someone has an idea of how to make a link in a sector within an image. example:Image:Sector link:Author of the design:  @gcarrasco ‌Note: I do not want to use tables because I would lose the background design.

  • 6 Replies

I've written about this before, and submitted a bug report as well...but still having the problem. Whenever I make inline comments on my student's submissions, they disappear once I enter a grade! I'm NOT talking about comments made in the "Comments"...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 5 Replies

I quite like Speedgrader to mark assignment, it is much more functional, smoother and doesn't have the same glitches as turnitin does for an online marking platform. The only thing i can't find on speedgrader as a quick marks function. This is quite ...

  • 12 Replies

I'm having an issue with the file preview feature of Canvas not showing the correct contents of text files. Here's an example:On a Canvas Page, I have linked several text files (which I have uploaded to the Canvas Files area):If I now click on the fi...

  • 23 Replies

I have been unable to access Canvas on my home wifi, but have been able to access it anywhere else. Wondering what to do... this is all on the same laptop

  • 2 Replies