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Hi everyone,I am having issues with Group Sets and Groups. When I create a Group Set with self-sign up groups, and look at it through the Student View, the group has a lock on it as opposed to a "JOIN" link. I cannot seem to "unlock" this for the stu...

  • 8 Replies

   I have adopted a specifications grading scheme for all my courses, the particulars of which make it all but impossible for me to use the gradebook options on Canvas. Responses to others' questions about specs grading in this forum don't really hel...

  • 12 Replies

I'm assisting an instructor with some spring cleaning of a course that's going to re-run in a bit and one of the items on the checklist is reorganizing course assets (mostly images) into file folders to make things easier to find and update upon futu...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 2 Replies

Hi ID Group,I'm looking for Canvas courses with Articulate Storyline used for content delivery. Does anyone know if there are some examples of this in the Canvas Commons? Ideally, I would like to have samples of the Storyline files added in using the...

  • 32 Replies

Hello all!Quick question. We are planning on using Mastery Paths for our online orientation module for all of our online classes. However, when we started trying to implement it, we found that the mastery path does not copy over correctly. When we co...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 5 Replies

Will the quizzes in Canvas encounter any issues if the instructor changes the passcode after students have started the quiz? I would like to do this to maximize quiz security and ensure that students cannot share the passcode (i.e., via text message)...

  • 9 Replies

Hi,Has anyone put together the NGSS for California in a csv for upload to outcomes? I tried the Kiddom csv for NGSS but received the error that the structure wasn't correct.

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

Has anyone been able to hide the syllabus link at the account level? We have two distinct documents: a syllabus, which is an institutionally approved document with the course description and outcomes; and a course guide, which is called a syllabus at...

  • 4 Replies

How are other schools implementing the use of students using ePortfolio's effectively? What is the best way for students to use ePortfolio's while they are attending college within Canvas? We are trying to help our students here showcase their educat...

  • 5 Replies

Does anyone know how to use the item group in the style guide? It appears in Components/Item Groups. I have copied the code and paste it in one of my content pages but the groups are not functional or editable, they simply stay there as a sample. Tha...

  • 1 Replies

A student was unable to submit an assignment direct to Canvas and emailed it to me (Word Doc).  How can an instructor submit it to the Canvas site for the student?

  • 27 Replies

I have a teacher creating a homepage with a table. On the left hand column of the table is a list of links. She would like to be able to hover over the links and get a drop down menu of choices to click OR be able to click on the choices and get a dr...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 12 Replies

hey folks i've been doing a little bit of customizing of tables and i found you can actually set an image as a background for a table cell. you have to edit the HTML for it, but the method does work - except in Firefox. here's the tags code:<td style...

Community Explorer
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

I have already published 9 quizzes on canvas and I need to change the "Quiz Score to Keep" from "average" to "highest" score the students have after 2 attempts. All the quizzes are closed and I already edited the settings, but the scores in the grade...

  • 2 Replies

Is there a way to utilize the seating chart to take attendance with the teacher app?

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 0 Replies

Is it possible to add a folder with files to a module

  • 3 Replies

Is there any way to search through the gradebook, when you're in the all-student view, for an assignment by name? I have so many assignments and they are in a crazy order and I have to scroll sideways for ages to find a specific assignment... can I d...

  • 2 Replies

I'm looking for an easy app that students can use to annotate a webpage or website for a English Composition course. The students must be able to make comments on the webpage and then save it and submit to the professor for grading. 

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 3 Replies

I have created an interactive google slide show for a professional learning course for our teachers and have embedded it on a page in Canvas. The idea is to "lead your own learning" by clicking on parts of the slide that will advance you to a particu...

  • 17 Replies

How do you stay current with Instructional Design and Educational Technologies? Are their communities you like or are blogs still a thing?

Community Champion
Canvas Question Forum
  • 10 Replies

I'd like to be able to embed this guide in an orientation course with an iframe, but it does not work. Normally we find a url ...

  • 3 Replies

Hello all!I understand that someone have had previously posted about Read Speaker or some kind of apps or software that compatible with Canvas allow users to play the reader to read the content out loud from Canvas LMS. However, my question is that i...

  • 4 Replies

Is anyone starting to incorporate Augmented or Virtual Reality in their courses? There is a lot of buzz about it in different chatrooms and blogs. If so, what type of courses are you using it in?

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 4 Replies

I just started teaching a course in Canvas today.  Under People, I can see who has logged into the class and who has not.  Is there a way to message all the students who have no logged in yet?  I know I can add their names to a message one by one, bu...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

How do I put a course into the "Past Enrollments" section?  Is this done by the IT department in my university or do I do this somehow when I "complete" or "conclude" a course?Please advise.  Many thanksChris

  • 6 Replies

I use groups in many different ways in my classes and have recently been getting some comments from students about the large number of groups they have to manage across all of their courses.In looking at this from the student perspective, I can see w...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 7 Replies

Hi there,So I've read through How do I grade group assignments in SpeedGrader?, but it doesn't really lay out the steps needed to grade a group assignment and then change individual grades, without having to look up multiple help documents.  I like t...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

Suddenly, there's something called "Test Student" that's shown in in one of my gradebooks! (It's not in all my courses...just one.) Anybody have any idea of what this is...and how to get rid of it??

  • 6 Replies

I have set up a competency-based course using mastery paths. I have need to export this course, or make it available through Commons, to give it to others who want to use it on their own Canvas instances. Also, I need to be able to copy the course wi...

  • 8 Replies

Suppose I have several quizzes, each possibly out of a different number of points. I'd like for each quiz to be given equal weight in the Canvas gradebook. Is this the default, or do I somehow have to specify this? (I can go back and rescale all the ...

  • 20 Replies