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Is there a report I can run that will show when a user was added and how?  Ex.  I want to know who was added by SIS and who was added manually.  In addition, if manually, which individual with admin privileges.  I bet there is - but I have searched u...

  • 5 Replies

I am in the process of cleaning up my Canvas Training courses. Some of them go back almost 2 years and most of the teachers can't even access them because of the date restrictions. Is there anyway to do a mass delete for this course? Some were set up...

  • 8 Replies

Bug when adding youtube videos with time codesteps:Create new modulecreate new text pagetype in a paragraph of textpaste in URL to video URL pageresult:  video shows up, but click play (>) and it does not st...

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Canvas Question Forum
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Hi everyone,I got a few requests from faculty asking for a live dashboard to track students usages and understand students' learning on Canvas. The three key points that they would like to see from this dashboard are:* track students uses and progres...

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Canvas Question Forum
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We create most of our users via feeds from our SIS system, and authenticate them via an external SSO linked to Active Director.  However, we do sometimes need to create batches of guest users who will not be in AD and who need to set their own passwo...

  • 6 Replies

I teach computer science, specifically the Python language.  In Python, spaces at the beginning of lines of code have important meaning.  I give a lot of comments about my student's code using the Speed Grader.  However, I have found that spaces at t...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 13 Replies

I am doing a discussion forum, and I need to use hanging indents but I can't figure it out.

  • 9 Replies

Does anyone know if Explain Everything is available as an app in CANVAS?

  • 4 Replies

We've recently had some trouble with links not carrying over from the master course to the live course.We check all the links before copying and assume all is well; however, recently one speed grader rubric did not carry over. In a different course, ...

  • 7 Replies

A student at our school has found a bit of a "hack" into the muted grade lock down that I would like the share with the community. The student discovered the hack, told us about it, and even made a YouTube video showing the exploit.The way it works:A...

  • 13 Replies

Here we are the last day of our semester when I receive an email from an instructor letting me know when she runs the attendance report from Canvas the Student ID column is NOT our SIS imported ID's. Anyone run into this? 

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

Hi -- wondering what your experiences have been with students taking quizzes using Tablets and laptops -- wondering if there is a difference or a positive/negative between using the devise browser vs. the Canvas app?

  • 3 Replies

Hi,Our school is in the process of migrating from Sakai to Canvas. I am helping design standards and practices that will be used for all our programs. We use Modules as the main organizational tool for the course content. It occurred to us that Assig...

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Canvas Question Forum
  • 14 Replies

We have a permissions issue with one of our Badgr users where the teacher is awarding badges to students based on module completion requirements. Unfortunately, the badges are being awarded to hashed identifiers instead of to the student's email addr...

  • 1 Replies

Is anyone delivering electronic reserves (book chapters, articles, etc.) via Canvas?  Our Technology Librarian is investigating how other institutions are integrating E-Reserves with Canvas.  The are looking to change from their current E-Reserve sys...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
  • 9 Replies

Does Canvas allow for the use of wildcards when searching for a course in the "Find a Course" field?Our school has extremely long course names and the year is at the very end.  It would be incredibly helpful to be able to enter SOC 101 * 17 and get a...

  • 7 Replies

Hello everyone!I wanted to ask if anyone in the community has been able to do any reporting using the Roll-Call Attendance Tool in Canvas Data. Is this a possible functionality with this tool? Thank you for your help!

  • 2 Replies

Hello Everyone who is reading this!I know Give Pulse does not have an integration currently with Canvas. But, have any you incorporated it into a course or any element of Canvas for your students?-Kari

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Canvas Question Forum
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Has anyone customized their login page using JavaScript? We have our main login page with Shibboleth, but need to add text to the login page for our internal Canvas accounts.  I've found the following resources: However, since I don't use JavaScript ...

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
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I am trying to "update multiple courses in an account." The canvas live API lists a parameter: course_ids (List of ids of courses to update. At most 500 courses may be updated in one call.) I've tried typing in the Canvas course ID, (usually a six-di...

Community Participant
Canvas Question Forum
  • 6 Replies

I have a general course structure and setting that should be followed for many courses. I have tried creating a template course that has the proper course settings and the structure for one unit (module), and enrolled designers in it. My intent was t...

  • 8 Replies

Hi everyone, Does anyone have an institutional Canvas policies and procedures guide they'd be willing to share?  I'm at a higher ed institution and we know amongst those of us who use Canvas what we do but in the event something were to happen, we'd ...

  • 8 Replies

In a published course, the Reply textbox that allows students to add comments in Discussions is missing. So students can read the instructions for the Discussion, but can't add their replies. The Reply textbox is available in the teacher's view. Not ...

  • 4 Replies

I went looking for information about how Canvas calculates outcome mastery, and in this post learned the following:If a student's outcome score ends up to be a decimal, the score levels are calculated based on half of the outcome mastery threshold. F...

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Canvas Question Forum
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When aligning an question bank to an outcome, one must set "mastery for any score at or above" a certain threshold. The default in Canvas is 60%, and that feels rather low to me. For most grading scales, it would be 1% higher than failure, and I'd li...

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Canvas Question Forum
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We have a concern about possible cheating in a discussion board.  A Spanish teacher pointed out that certain discussion posts have a strange colored box around student responses.  We are wondering why this might be,Example:Compared to this:

  • 5 Replies

My husband and I both use Canvas at our institution--Houston Community College.  He is experiencing a problem.We spot check averages to be careful.  Tonight, we discovered that his end of the semester grades are averaging approximately two points hig...

  • 10 Replies

I do not want Canvas to calculate my students' final letter grade. I want the freedom to issue the semester letter grade in an additional grade center column. For example, a student earns 895 points out of 1000, a B on my grade scale--but the student...

Community Novice
Canvas Question Forum
  • 10 Replies

Some teachers have created group sets and individual groups inside their courses but it seems the students can post whatever they want on the group calendar. Can this be prevented?

Community Contributor
Canvas Question Forum
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Hello,I am wondering if other schools are finding an issue with Firefox upon logout of Canvas with SAML authentication? Issue:Login to Canvas via SAMLLogout of Canvas via SAMLClick on the Firefox back button twiceUser is logged back into CanvasorLogi...

  • 3 Replies