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I am an ASL teacher and we use Canvas Studio all the time. The way our district wants the videos submitted for final exams is with the link ( with our internet that is the way that does not fail to submit) and not through the studio option in the too...

  • 1 Replies

Is there an option to turn off comments all together in studio media? I do not want to waste time managing the comments. I want them to go away.

  • 8 Replies

Hellow, When I search for the email address of a Student as a Manager of a Studio group, 'No results found' is displayed. Both the Manager and the Student belong to a subaccount. When I can't find a Student by email address, how can I add a student t...

  • 3 Replies

When my student attempts to access my lecture posted in Canvas Studio, they get an error: {:error::{"email":["is invalid"]}}Here is the link they are attempting to access:'ve attach...

  • 1 Replies

This isn't really a question.  I was trying to get a detailed list of Studio recordings.  I was finally able to obtain an access token through Postman using this Then, the after searching, this is the be...

Community Participant
Canvas Studio Discussion
  • 1 Replies

Hi all,At CSU Northridge, I'm part of the team that administrates Canvas. We are looking for statistics on which courses having been using Canvas Studio.Is there any way to generate a spreadsheet of this list in Media Management as I've filtered it h...

Community Member
Canvas Studio Discussion
  • 0 Replies

I have been creating Canvas Studio video quizzes successfully since 2020.Yesterday I made a video quiz for a lecture video I recorded using the Screen Capture software that is part of Canvas Studio (not an imported video). Later that day, I created a...

  • 2 Replies

Once my current class is over, will I still have access to my Canvas Studio videos? I can't see any way to otherwise download them to my desktop or move them to my regular Canvas Profile files. Please advise.Thanks! 

  • 9 Replies

I am having a hard time attaching my references in Studio Media. Can you help me please with this?

  • 1 Replies

I recorded a video in canvas studio and titled it “Abdominal Assessment.” It uploaded to studio, so I went to submit it and it was gone. What do I do? Is there any way to get it back without having to re-record?

  • 1 Replies

When I go into Studio and create a quiz from a video, it creates a marker at the timestamp but when I try to save the question, it gives me an error message saying "You've been logged out due to inactivity". When I click on the question I just made, ...

Community Explorer
Canvas Studio Discussion
  • 0 Replies

In two of my district's subsites, Canvas Studio assignments (the interactive, Edpuzzle'esque learning activities) are posting student grades to the Canvas Gradebook just fine. In another subsite, same district, the Canvas Studio assignment grades are...

  • 2 Replies

Hi, I could not find the comment toggle in the Setting on my Canva Studio video. I am attaching a screenshot here for you to see. Thanks. 

  • 1 Replies

Does anyone know how to re-activate, or have Canvas studio recognize, my laptop's built-in camera? I'm trying to record a video announcement, and the camera light on my laptop is showing "on", but the video screen when trying to record is black and b...

  • 2 Replies

Hi! I tried recording a video in Canvas Studio and after it "processing" for forever, it didn't process. I got the error "unable to process". Does anyone know if there's any way to recover it? 

  • 1 Replies

I have a problem. Some students have found out that they can play the videos on double speed and jump to the end of the videos. By jumping to the end they get the announcement that hey have not finish answering the questions required to finish the co...

  • 1 Replies

I teach a class with 800 students and I love that I can embed quiz questions within Canvas Studio at a specific time stamp. However, I need to create a mini-question bank to ensure that not all 800 students receive the exact same question? I used Pla...

  • 2 Replies

I have a Windows 11 laptop. I recently downloaded Canvas Studio onto it. The first time, it worked just fine. The second time, it opened and I clicked on the settings button on the recorder and it completely disappeared, closing out the recorder. I d...

  • 3 Replies

Hello, I am creating my own video using Canvas Studio. I would like to include annotations and embedded quiz questions. It seems that when I go to upload this video in my Sandbox, it uploads either the video with the annotations or the video with the...

  • 1 Replies

We haven't been able to get the new admin filter to Studio to filter by anything but term, really.  Is this a known issue and is it being worked on? Thanks -

Community Contributor
Canvas Studio Discussion
  • 1 Replies

I know that Instructors can go to insights to see the percentage of video a student has watched in studio. However, how does an Instructor see how many times they viewed the video and the percentage viewed each time? I have an instructor that require...

  • 1 Replies

Hello, How do I include a graphic or math equation in a question in a Canvas Studio quiz? thanks. 

  • 1 Replies

I have embedded many questions in to Canvas Studio videos and now I would like to export them to a Questions Bank so I can use them on other assignments.

  • 1 Replies

I was able to do record a screen recording session a week ago. But, today, when trying to start a screen recording session, a window opened informing me that I must download it (perhaps a new version). But, when I attempt to open the file, "InstallSc...

  • 3 Replies

I have five videos that I’d like to embed into a module. Rather than embedding them individually or combining them into a collection and sharing it with a group, is there an option to embed all videos at once (or post a playlist directly) into the mo...

  • 1 Replies

Hello all!  I hope someone out there has an answer for this.I have created numerous videos for my online course (at minimum, an intro, lesson, and summary video for every week).  I have created and edited the timing on all of these captions to make s...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to alphabetize the viewers by last name when looking at the viewer insights on studio videos?  This would make it much easier for instructors when inputting grades.   As of now, I think the only options are to view by order of views or...

  • 1 Replies

Do changes made to a video within Canvas Studio apply to wherever the video is embedded, or do I have to re-embed the videos? I ask because I had already embedded some videos and then today I went to toggle on "subscribe to comments" on each video wi...

  • 1 Replies

My college is no longer going to pay for access to Studio. How can I easily move the hundreds of videos I have in my Studio Library to Course Files or as Embedded Videos?

  • 4 Replies