How do I add an event to the schedule?
This lesson applies to users at institutions that have enabled the Canvas for Elementary user interface.
A Canvas event is a non-graded Canvas activity. Events created on the Calendar appear in the Homeroom and subject Schedule tabs and student calendars. You can create events with due date times as well as all-day events. You can also duplicate an event.
You can include Zoom, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, or Google Meet conferencing links in the event description or location. If a conferencing link is added to the event description or location, students can join the meeting from the Homeroom Schedule tab or subject's Schedule tab.
Open Calendar

In Global Navigation, click the Calendar link.
Add Event

Click any date on the calendar to add an event [1]. Or, click the arrows next to the month name to navigate to a different month [2] and select a date.
If you do not want to manually locate the date, you can click the Add icon [3].
Add Event Details

Enter a title for the event [1].
Depending on how you added your event, the date may be populated for you. If not, enter a date in the date field [2] or select a date from the calendar by clicking the Calendar icon [3].
The calendar times may also be populated for you in the From fields [4]. Edit or enter the start and end time for your event. To create an all-day event, leave the From fields blank so there is no start and end time for your event.
To add a physical event location or conferencing link, use the Location field [5].
In the Calendar drop-down menu [6], select the subject calendar for the event. Events added to your personal Calendar or the Homeroom Calendar do not display for students in the Schedule tab.
To mark the event as an important date, click the Mark as Important Date checkbox [7].
You can add more details to your event, such as an event description, address or duplicate the event by clicking the More Options button [8].
Note: If a Zoom, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, or Google Meet conferencing link is added to the event description or location, students can join the meeting from the Homeroom Schedule tab or subject's Schedule tab.
Submit Event

To save your event, click the Submit button.