How do I set details for a subject?
This lesson applies to users at institutions that have enabled the Canvas for Elementary user interface.
As an instructor, you can manage the details in a Canvas for Elementary subject. The Course Settings page may allow you to manage subject identification details, the subject's card and banner images, subject color, Blueprint information (if any), file storage data, subject grading scheme, license, visibility, subject format, and other options available for the subject.
View Subject Details
The first section of Course Details shows you an overview of your subject.
If you have permission to publish a subject, you can manage your course status in the sidebar [1].
The Card Image [2] and Wide Banner Image [3] sections display images added to the subject card and banner.
The Color section displays the selected subject color [4]. A custom subject color can be added using the Color field [5].
If allowed by your institution, you can edit the subject name [6] and course code [7].
You can manage the subject's friendly name using the Friendly Name field [8]. The friendly name displays as the subject name in notifications and in the dashboard.
You can view the subjects blueprint course status [9] and course template status [10], the subject's time zone [11], and in which subaccount the subject is in [12].
To sync enrollments and start and end dates from your homeroom, click the Sync enrollments and course start/end dates from homeroom checkbox [13]. If any subject enrollments were added via SIS import, the Sync enrollments and course start/end dates from homeroom checkbox does not display.
- If you do not have permission to publish a subject, or if the subject is published and includes grades, you cannot modify the course status.
- When managing a subject, an instructor can view the subject name at the top of the page. If the subject has a friendly name, the friendly name displays.
View Subject Images

If your institution allows you to add an image to a subject's card in the Homeroom or a banner image to the subject's Home tab, you can add or replace the card image or wide banner image.
- Wide banner images are cropped to a 5:1 aspect ratio.
- If a banner image is not set, the home page uses the card image. If a card image has not been set, the banner displays the course color.
View Subject Color

The subject color is persistent across all subject related subject dates and items throughout Canvas.
You can add a custom subject color using the Color field.
Note: If a subject color is not set, the subject color defaults to gray.
View Blueprint Course

Your Course Details tab indicates whether the subject has been enabled as a blueprint course and displays Yes or No [1].
If your subject is associated with a blueprint course, the blueprint course name and course ID displays [2]. If you have been enrolled in the blueprint course as an instructor or TA, the name of the blueprint course will contain a link to access the blueprint course.
Most commonly, your subject will be associated with a blueprint course and you can only manage unlocked content in your subject. If your subject is a blueprint course, you can lock and sync subject content to associated subjects.
View Subject Dates
Subjects may be assigned to the Default Term or a specific term [1]. By default, your students will be able to participate in the subject within the term dates [2].
If needed, you can allow students to participate within course dates [3] and set specific subject start and end dates [4]. However, changing subject dates may override term availability settings and placement in the Homeroom. Please confirm term dates before adding subject participation dates.
You may also be able to change student access settings to allow or restrict students from viewing your subject before the start or end date [5].
Note: If a subject participation end date is set to midnight, a warning message displays [6].
View Subject Language

You can set a specific language for your subject. By default the language is set to Not set, English (US). Selecting a language for your subject will override user language preferences and is only recommended for subjects conducted in the selected language.
View File Storage

You can view the storage file size allowed in your subject. File storage consists of all files in subject files and assignment submissions. Administrators at your institution set the file storage quota for each subject.
- Canvas course imports count against subject quotas. If a course import fails, verify the size of the file against your file storage quota. If necessary, contact your Canvas admin to request a larger subject quota.
- Copied Canvas subjects and subject items do not count against subject file storage quotas. You can copy existing Canvas subjects and subject items from the original subject into your new subject without impacting your subject file storage quota.
View Large Course Setting

You can enable the option to launch SpeedGrader filtered by student group in your subject. When this setting is enabled, you must choose a student group when opening SpeedGrader. This setting is disabled by default.
View Grading Scheme

You can enable a grading scheme for your subject. A grading scheme is a set of criteria that measures varying levels of achievement in a subject. You can also view the current existing grading scheme, if any. This setting is disabled by default.
View License

You can view the license for your subject. By default all content is considered private and copyrighted, but you can also release your content to the public domain or choose a Creative Commons license. When making your course public, you will most likely want to set a license for your subject.
View File Usage Rights

You can view the file copyright setting for your subject. If this option is enabled, usage right information must be selected for all subject files before they can be published. This setting is disabled by default.
Note: If the option to manage file usage rights cannot be changed, your institution has locked this setting.
View Visibility

You can view any visibility settings for your subject. Each visibility option is independent of the others. You can customize subject visibility, customize content visibility, and include the subject in the public course index.
View Formats

You can set the format for your subject using the Format drop-down menu [1].
You can also enable the subject as a homeroom course using the Enable as homeroom course setting [2].
Note: When the Enable as homeroom course option is selected, you cannot enable Course Pacing [3].
View Description

If your subject is part of the public course index, you can include a description for your subject in the description field.
View Additional Settings

You can grant additional course privileges for students by selecting the appropriate checkbox or drop-down menu:
- Allow students to attach files to discussion replies by clicking the Let students attach files to Discussions checkbox. Enabled by default.
- Allow students to edit or delete their own discussion posts by clicking the Let students edit or delete their own discussion posts checkbox. Enabled by default.
- Hide student grade totals in the grades page by clicking the Hide totals in student grades summary checkbox. Disabled by default.