How do I use my Homeroom as an instructor?
This lesson applies to users at institutions that have enabled the Canvas for Elementary user interface.
If your school is using the Canvas for Elementary feature, the Homeroom is the first thing you will see when you log into Canvas. The Homeroom helps you see what is happening in all your current subjects.
You can return to your Homeroom at any time by clicking the Home link in Global Navigation.
Note: When Canvas for Elementary is enabled, admins can select which font is used.
Open Homeroom

In Global Navigation, click the Home link.
View Homeroom
The Homeroom is your landing page in Canvas.
In the Homeroom tab [1], you can view your published [2] and unpublished course subjects [3].
To open a course subject, click the name of the subject [4].
To add a new subject, click the Start a New Subject icon [5].
To create a homeroom announcement, click the Add Announcement button [6].
In the sidebar, you can view assignments, graded discussions, quizzes, and calendar events that have been marked with an importan... [7].
Note: By default, your published and unpublished subjects display in the Homeroom tab. However, if you have favorited subjects, only favorited subjects display.
View Homeroom Schedule
In the Schedule tab [1], you can view an example of how schedule items will display for students.
Each item displays the subject name [2], item name [3], number of points (if points have been assigned) [4], and the due date [5].
Each item also displays an icon to differentiate between different assignment types and other items in the Schedule [6].
When an online assignment is submitted, the item is automatically marked as completed. Students can manually mark non-submission items as complete by clicking the item's checkbox [7].
View Homeroom Grades
In the Grades tab [1], you can open the gradebook for a specific subject by clicking the subject's View Gradebook button [2].
View Homeroom Resources
In the Resources tab [1], you may view important information you have added to your homeroom [2]. To edit existing important information, click the Edit icon [3].
You can view any student applications that have been added to your homeroom in the Student Applications section [4].
You can also view staff contact information [5].
- If content has not been added to Important Information, the Important Information section does not display.
- If student applications have not been added to the homeroom, the Student Applications section does not display.
View Homeroom To Do
In the To Do tab [1], you can view all items that require grading in Canvas. Items display by due date in ascending order.
Each item indicates how many items need to be graded [2], the assignment name [3], the course name [4], the number of points [5], and the due date for the assignment [6]. Some assignments may display multiple due dates.
To remove a To Do item, click the Remove icon [7].
Note: When an item is removed, the item can only be restored to the To Do tab if a new submission is received for that assignment.