Awesome CanvasLMS

Community Champion
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Awesome Badge

A curated list of CanvasLMS Community and Open Source contributions.

Inspired by GitHub - sindresorhus/awesome: Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics (


For more information see CanvasLMS Awesome List Contributions






Canvas Guides
The complete list of guides for all users and roles, from Student to Parent, and everyo...


Canvas Admin


Canvas Instructor


Instructional Design


Canvas Mobile


Canvas Theme Editor


Canvas API


Canvas Data


Canvas GraphQL


Canvas Live Events


Open Source LTI

  • CUOnline/sandbox Ruby LTI tool that generates sandbox courses in Canvas
  • CUOnline/SandboxCore An ASP.NET Core implementation of the Sandbox Course functionality.
  • CIDI/kennethware-2.0 Tools to facilitate rapid course development in Instructure Canvas.
  • ets-berkeley-edu/suitec SuiteC is a set of LTI-compliant tools optimized to work with the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS).
  • ucfopen/UDOIT The Universal Design Online content Inspection Tool, or UDOIT (pronounced, “You Do It”) enables faculty to identify accessibility issues in Canvas by Instructure. It will scan a course, generate a report, and provide resources on how to address common accessibility issues
  • Materia Engage students by embedding interactive apps into your Canvas modules or assignments. Materia comes with a library of games, surveys, and simulations; each is easily customized by faculty to fit their course. Developing new apps for Materia is easy and streamlined.


Open Source LTI Development