More granular permissions for admins


Right now setting Permissions for different course and account roles is very difficult because many of the permissions are tied together so you can't have one permission without also having the other checked. Yet, there is no list of what each permission actually impacts and which permissions are related to each other.


When we are developing a new role we almost always go through the lengthy process of:


  • adding a permission to a role
  • logging in as someone with that role and checking to see if that person can do what they need to do but not things they shouldn't do
  • if the setting isn't correct, then going back to permissions and try checking or unchecking something different to see if we get the desired result
  • wash and repeat


If permissions were more granulated and separated out it would be much easier to (1) understand what the permission actually controls and (2) provide the right level access to specific users.


Comments from Instructure

The New User Interface is included in the Canvas Production Release Notes (2018-07-14) .  Go check it out!

  Comments from Instructure

The LTI - add / edit / delete permission has been grouped into three separate permissions, as detailed in the  Canvas Release Notes (2022-01-15).



🔎 This idea has been archived. While this idea isn't open for comments, it is an important part of Instructure’s idea conversations and development process. Contributions like this are valuable as Instructure prioritizes work on new or existing features.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Woo hoo!!!!!  🙂

Community Champion

Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart Heart

Community Participant

Awesome!!! Heart

Community Participant

I see that the last post to this thread was about a year ago. We just came on to Canvas this year, so we weren't part of the conversation. However, the single, largest issue we have as administrators of the Canvas LMS in a large university is...granular permissions. So, I'm glad to see it is on the radar, but In don't want the topic to get off the radar of the engineers at Canvas, so I decided to post.

What we would definitively like to see is the create, edit, and delete permissions to be broken into at least 2 permissions everywhere it exists to separate out delete.  

We would also like to be able to hide these options from teachers at the root and sub account level:

1. Clear course content

2. Permanently delete this course

3. Add a section

4. Conclude a course

We would also like a grader role (and we can't base this off the TA role because then TA shows up in things like messaging).

We would like to be able to apply certain integrations only to online courses (such as Bb Collaborate) as we are only licensed for that. Granular permissions at the course level based on online or not online would be fantastic.

We would like teachers to be able to turn off student messaging at the course level.

These would help us so much!

Thanks for listening.

Community Coach
Community Coach

You can find a full list with status of all the Ideas related to granular permissions at Canvas Permissions and Granularity Feature Ideas and in the blog post 

Community Team
Community Team

 @meichin ‌

You'll also want to follow‌, where you'll see this is a priority we have committed to.

Community Participant

Thanks - awesome reference!

Community Team
Community Team

Greetings!  We have exciting news about the first phase of the Priority: Granular Permissions‌.  The New User Interface is included in the Canvas Beta Release Notes (2018-07-02).  Go check it out!

Community Champion

That calls for a "YAY!!!!" 

Community Coach
Community Coach

I was so happy to see Part 1 of this change in Beta that there might have been a happy dance!

Community Champion

Is there video of your dance, cms_hickss?

Community Coach
Community Coach

 @kmeeusen , thankfully, no Smiley Happy

Community Team
Community Team

The New User Interface is now in the Canvas Production Release Notes (2018-07-14) 

cms_hickss‌ here's your opportunity to record that happy dance for us!  

Community Champion

And, cms_hickss, the always awesome erinhallmark‌ has just created this great resource at 

Time to pull out  that phone and get us a dance-selfie!


Community Coach
Community Coach

Here we go:


Community Champion

You must be the cute little redhead dancer with glasses, second from left.

Hey, I could have said you were the blue one in the middle! See how thoughtful and sensitive I can be!

This upgrade is going to be so cool, cms_hickss! I just love it when us admins get a little love from the product teams!


Community Champion

 @Renee_Carney ‌ - please thank the development team.  I love what they have done and appreciate the time and effort that they put into researching and implementing these improvements to permissions.  This will make so many admins happy!  

Community Team
Community Team

You bet!  I love passing on these types of messages and they love to read them!  I just copied it and am sharing it now!  

I expect our 5th floor at SLC to resemble this gif in just a few minutes!

Community Team
Community Team

The Radar‌ idea stage has been removed from the Feature Idea Process.  You can read more about why in the blog post Adaptation: Feature Idea Process Changes.

This change will only impact the stage sort of this idea and will not change how it is voted on or how it is considered during prioritization activities.  This change will streamline the list of ideas 'open for voting', making it easier for you to see the true top voted ideas in one sort, here.

Community Coach
Community Coach

For this idea, please also remember to follow:

The first step to getting Granular Permissions was completed with the Permissions: New Interface.