Camp was the Adventure

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I wanted to write this up last night but after the hoedown and knowing I have a 5am flight, it just did not happen.  While I did not manage to have any crazy biking, hiking or kayaking adventures, for me, the entire camp was an adventure this year.  Mainly because I came completely alone.  Doing this, forced me to really put myself out there and I met some great people and learned a ton! I can honestly say that I have met people from all over the world (shout out to the kind Aussies who were sitting next to me at the pizza parlor waiting 20 minutes just to get drink orders!) So, tip 1 would be- even if you are at camp with a group, take time to separate and find the people you don't know- they could be amazing connections for you. Here are my other thoughts, tips, and tricks.

I arrived on Monday to get checked in and settled, which makes life so much easier.  If you have the option, I would highly recommend doing so. I feel like you get a better lay of the land and feel refreshed by not having to rush for registration.  Another benefit is that you get the chance to attend preconference sessions, which brings me to point 2.  Smiley Happy

Attend a preconference session- even if it is just one.  You will get so much out of these training opportunities, I promise.  I have been to onboarding sessions from when we first switched to Canvas, LTI and API sessions in later years, and this year I went to Train the Trainer and the Support Field Day sessions.  You can see my recaps here. (Shameless plug, I know... sorry).

Finally!  Don't leave on Thursday!  (I know, sometimes staying isn't an option) Some of the best fun comes during the Thursday evening festivities.  But also, some of the best sessions come toward the end of the conference.  Like this year, we got to see some of the truly amazing things that will be coming to Canvas soon.

This year's conference was amazing and I am already looking forward to next year, but I think I'll need a nap first.  See you next year campers!

And because I was on a 5am flight, I can share with you sunrise from aloft.

