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Asking this question again because it has not been addressed in previous forums. In the settings for an assessment, an option for multiple attempts exists. However, it does not work. We have tried to delete the students score and reopen the assessmen...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a way to access a report showing how long a student spent on an assessment in Mastery Connect?

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I created all the trackers for my teachers at the beginning of the school year.  However, when the reports from the benchmarks come back the classes are indistinguishable as they are all titled with my name.  Is there a way to change the owner of the...

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Is there a report that will give our school percentiles based on the current district benchmark our students completed?   We need this due to placing student in our RTI process   

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I've got a student who accesses MC through Clever, but another student's info comes up. I think this is an issue for support to look at, but I can't find where to submit a specific student case here. I've checked the data on both students and it is c...

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Student Chromebook (Dell 3100 2-in-1 touchscreen) repeatedly gets stuck in MC student and is unable to navigate out of the app, power off, or force quit.  We tried swapping devices and same issue persists.  The only thing i've found to get out of the...

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Mastery Connect Forum
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How do you create a classroom test with separate subparts? I know the benchmarks are created this way, but I am unable to create an exam for my classroom with separate subparts. 

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Mastery Connect Forum
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My students took a county-made and controlled Benchmark. When they finished, I could see the scores and the class average for each of 3 blocks. Today, I can't see anything from my 1st block. The other two are fine. Any ideas?  The Benchmark is not ev...

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As of yesterday, October 21, 2024, over half of my student's names are missing from my tracker. I've restarted my computer but they are still missing, which means I am unable to see their scores or input their rubric points for their assessment. Plea...

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 I am a third grade math teacher. Is there a way to gain access to individualized score reports for Benchmark assessments? We use to get these but since mastery connect has changed we no longer get them. Thanks 

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How do I transfer ownership of a tracker to another teacher?

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I had to create trackers according to last year's state test score and we also have the original trackers, like class trackers. How do I transfer the information from the original tracker to the leveled trackers without having them take the assignmen...

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Mastery Connect Forum
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Teachers would like to know about scale scores and percentages scales. Is there a scale that shows the distributions or grade equivalents for scale scores and percentages compared? The percentage score looks like the student didn't do well, but when ...

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Mastery Connect Forum
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I need to view and print my students' writing?

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Is there a way for proctors to check for cheating on a mastery connect benchmark assessment?  Students use their own devices to take assessments and proctors monitor during testing window, but there are suspicious results.  

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It has been a few years since I last used Mastery Connect. There used to be away to reopen multiple students assessments at the same time.I cannot find this feature in this newer version of MC. I can still click a student score, tap delete, and confi...

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We are rostered through Clever for Mastery Connect, so our teachers typically log in via Clever as well. we have a handful of teachers who currently cannot log in. When they try, they are taken to an "Oops! You cannot access this page." error. When w...

  • 1 Replies

I am a math teacher with 4 different sections of math. I have setup one tracker that has linked to my canvas page but my other trackers are not.  I just set them up this morning.  Is there a lag between setting up and updating into Canvas?  When I cl...

  • 1 Replies

Is there a report that shows a student´s cumulative average by standard rather than just the most recent mastery?  The color coding on the tracker is great but only shows scores according to the most recent assessment. We are trying to calculate the ...

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I am not able to connect to Mastery connect from canvas.

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Is there a way that the teacher can see how long a student spends on one question? 

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I would like my students to see their scores on already completed tests.  They can see their achievement level (Exceeds, Meets, etc.)  but they can't see their score (14/15, 6/15, etc).  What do I need to do to change this?

  • 1 Replies

the read aloud function in mastery connects can be too fast for some of our students. Is there a way to adjust the speed of the read aloud?

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A student was placed in the wrong tracker.  Is there a way for me to transfer the student to a different tracker?

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How can I add my new cohort of Kindergartners to mastery connect

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Starting yesterday, we have many students in our district when logging into Master Connect get the following message:     A work around seems to be typing their district username in all three fields.   We never had this issue before.   How can we ge...

  • 2 Replies

I am the interventionist for my school and I am trying to print reports for all grade levels. I have been able to print individual reports for other grades except 5th grade. All it will show us is the class colored charts. I need to be able to print ...

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Mastery Connect Forum
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How do I connect my already created tracker and canvas course together? I have already tried clicking on the link tracker part of canvas with the panda on it, but all it offers is to create a new tracker or to link to another course which won't work ...

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Mastery Connect Forum
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Our district is new to Mastery Connect and we had been told it had a grade cam like what we were currently using.Now we have started the year with Mastery Connect and find out...grade cam ONLY grades 10 question quizzes. And we were told we can't cha...

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