How do I score artifacts as a teacher in the Student Growth Portfolio?
Once you have uploaded artifacts, you will be able to score the collection.
Open Collections

In Account Navigation, click the My Collections link.
Open Collection

Click the name of the collection.
Score Artifacts

Locate the sample you would like to score and click the Score artifacts link.
View Artifact
View the artifact.
Depending on the type of artifact that was uploaded, the Student Growth Portfolio may display different options to help view the artifact.
Enter Score
As you begin scoring, there are several options available to you.
To view the description of each scoring level or level of achievement as you score, click the Show performance level descriptions checkbox [1].
To take notes while you score the artifact, click the Show my reflections notes checkbox [2]. You can enter your reflection notes in the text field below the criterion [3]. Notes you enter in the reflection notes will only be visible to you.
To score the artifact, click the level which corresponds to the score you would like to assign to the artifact [4].
When you have finished scoring the artifact, click the Submit Score button [5].
Note: Tagging options may not be available for the 2019-20 school year.
Submit Score

To submit your score, click the Submit Score button [1].
To return to the artifact and revise your score, click the Cancel button [2].
View Score

The sample group will display a checkmark icon indicating that the artifact has been scored.
To view or edit the score, click the View/Edit score link.