State Administrator: Collections

As a State Administrator, you have access to the 'Library' section of TEAM Portfolio.

Within the 'Library' you have two options 'Portfolio Models' and 'Collections.'

Within 'Collections' you are able to see each collection that links to the 'Portfolio Models.'

If you select '+ New Collection' you have the ability to link additional collections to the 'Portfolio Model'. Complete each of the required fields and select 'Create.'

Within a current collect, you also have the ability, by selection 'Actions', to:
-'View sample types'
-'View mapped scoring guides'
-'Update collection'
-'Delete collection'

'View sample types'

When you select 'View sample types' you will be provided an overview of the number of samples teachers are required to provide within 'Emerging', 'Proficient' and 'Advanced'.

To drill in a bit further, or make adjustments to the current settings, click on the sample you would like to update. Once you have made the changes you would like to, select 'Update'.

'View mapped scoring guides'

If you select 'View mapped scoring guides' you will be able to see the guides mapped to that specific collection. So, teachers reviewing that collection will have the ability to select from any of the guides listed.

You will also have the ability to add a new guide to the list by clicking '+ New Scoring Guide'.

You can use the 'Actions' button to 'View mapped scoring rubrics', 'Update scoring guide', or 'Delete scoring guide'.

If you need to add a rubric to a collection and scoring guide, you would go into 'View mapped scoring rubrics', and then select '+New scoring rubric mapping'.

'Update collection'

By selecting 'Update collection' on the main 'Collection' page, you can make any edits to that collection.

After making any updates, be sure to select 'Create.'

'Delete collection'

When you select 'Delete Collection', this would result in permanently deleting the collection. A modal will pop up to ensure you really want to delete the collection. If you do, click 'Yes, Delete'.