State Administrator: Uploading a new roster
As a State Administrator, you have access to upload a new roster of teacher or administrators to provide access to the Student Growth Portfolio. When you upload the new roster, the Portfolium team will receive it and contact you to schedule a day to provide those new users access. Keep in mind, this is just sending the roster to Portfolium in a secure manner.
You will select the 'Engagement' tab from the upper right corner.

Then, you will select 'Upload Data' on the left navigation.
You will then select 'Faculty' whether you are adding teachers or administrators, and drag and drop the file into the gray box or click the box to upload from your computer. There is also a template for uploading on the right side of the page, 'Student Growth Import Template'.
The Portfolium team will then reach out to you with next steps. If you'd like to reach out to them first, you can use the blue speech bubble in the lower right corner to speak to the support team or you can email them at