Introducing Analytics Hub: Your central gateway to all things Data, Analytics and Insights



We are thrilled to announce the launch of Analytics Hub, a new core feature of Canvas LMS, available starting July 9th, 2024. Designed to be a central library, Analytics Hub serves as a one-stop-shop for all your data and analytics needs, empowering Canvas admins with comprehensive insights and tools to drive educational success.

What is Analytics Hub?

Analytics Hub is an innovative addition to Canvas LMS, specifically created to consolidate all data and analytics capabilities in one place. As a Canvas admin, you will have personalized access to a suite of analytics solutions and features based on your individual user permissions and feature flag settings. This streamlined access ensures you can efficiently manage and utilize data to enhance the learning experience within your institution.

By bringing all your analytics tools together in one place, Analytics Hub makes data more accessible, actionable, and impactful.

Key Features

  • Centralized Analytics Library: Access all your analytics tools and data in one convenient location within Canvas. This streamlined access means you spend less time searching for information and more time making data-driven decisions.
  • Personalized Experience: Based on feature flag settings and individual user permissions, each Canvas admin will see only the data and analytics tools they have access to. This personalized experience ensures that every user can easily navigate and utilize the features that are relevant to their role.
  • Cross-Product Integration: While the Analytics Hub will be accessible in Canvas, it will also include data and analytics solutions from other Instructure products used by your institution, such as Mastery and Impact. This integration ensures that you have a comprehensive, unified view of your educational ecosystem, leveraging insights from across the entire Instructure product portfolio.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Navigate through your analytics effortlessly with our intuitive design. 
  • Mobile Accessibility: To support the on-the-go needs of administrators, Analytics Hub is fully responsive to all screen sizes, providing seamless access to data and analytics from any device.




Future Developments

This launch is just the beginning. As we gather feedback and insights from our users, we plan to expand the capabilities of Analytics Hub to include more roles and offer even more powerful features. 

Get Started with Analytics Hub

Starting July 9th, 2024, Analytics Hub will be included as part of your Canvas LMS subscription.

At Instructure, we are committed to providing you with the best tools to support your educational journey. Analytics Hub is a testament to our dedication to innovation and aim to democratize data and analytics for our customers. By bringing all your analytics tools together in one place, Analytics Hub makes data more accessible, actionable, and impactful.

Community Member

As I begin my new journey, I am continually amazed at the vast amount of knowledge and experience, I feel I will gain from within this institution. I find myself even more excited by the knowledge that this is just the beginning and that these tools will continue to grow, just as I do.

Community Champion

Is there any progress toward including grading period filters in admin analytics/course analytics or just defaulting to current grading period as the average? We have not been able to turn Admin Analytics on for our institution because Average Course Grade data is misleading when the view isn't displaying data for the current grading period and we do not promote course analytics with our staff for the same reason. Staff see that average and assume it is for the current grading period, rather than a rollup of all assignments since September.

I have been requesting this functionality since New Analytics was released and again when Admin Analytics was released.  current_grading_period_scores is a parameter in the List Users In Course api; the data is there and we are able to pull it using the API, why is there such a barrier to incorportating this into your native tools? This is one of many examples in the 7 years I've administered Canvas where product teams do not account for grading periods in their product designs.

Community Member

Will the data and results available in the browser views also be exposed via the API?

Community Coach
Community Coach


This is great to see that it will be included as a part of the Canvas LMS subscription. I will be interested to see how the "LTI Usage", "Students in Need of Attention" and "Course Readiness" report compare to the ones that I developed for our school.

I see that there was mention of premium offerings and that some of the reports have an icon next to their name.  Are there going to be some reports that require paying an additional fee to access? 

In addition, are some reports only available if you are paying for an associated add-on tool that the data would be sourced from?  For example, are the "Usage and Adoption" set of reports only available if you license Impact too?

Community Participant

Good to see that the name matches the title and navigation link. 😉 

This is a fabulous development, and I hope it will be toggle-able as the 'admin' user type is very broad. Can you clarify if any 'admin' role will be able to see this by default, if there's a permissions toggle, and if little things like being able to view all open terms together will be doable?

Community Explorer

Will this Analytics Hub work with large subjects, as 'New Analytics' doesn't work with large subjects (approx over 800 students) and commonly says, "Sorry, this subject is too large to be loaded."

Community Participant

@GergelyTar Would it be possible to clarify:

1. What features are new in Analytics Hub vs consolidating existing features?
2. Are there any changes or new Canvas permissions for institutions to control which Analytics Hub features can be accessed by subaccount admins?

Thanks in advance!

Community Participant

Hello, a couple of questions: 

  • Will this be available for us to review in beta or test before the July 9 release in prod?
  • Similar to @jeff_longland's question, what features does this hub consolidate and what are the new functionalities? For example, does this bring together account Statistics and Reports?

Thank you.

Community Participant

Will this hub allow me to download into a cvs file the individual student results per question for a New Quizzes quiz, like you can do with Classic Quizzes now? New Quizzes has been hamstrung by its inability to report to me in a downloadable fashion the student by student per question results that I need for our required assessment report. 

If the hub can do this, then the major impediment for us adopting New Quizzes will be removed. If the hub cannot, then I and everyone else who needs to use Canvas for assessment reporting will have to remain with Classic Quizzes. I don't see in the literature you've posted that this particular feature will be included. 


Thank you all for the great comments and questions!

The Analytics Hub is a consolidation of existing features, but no new "analytics capability", report or dashboard comes with it - it's meant to be a central library and launchpad for Instructure's other, existing analytics solutions. The Hub itself will have its own permission entry, but what exactly shows up within the page depends on the individual customer and user's permissions. For example, if an institution does not have Impact in their portfolio, Impact's links will not show for them. 


Community Coach
Community Coach


Can you clarify what additional product is required for each set of reports?  Several of the reports look like things that should be available through Canvas admin reports and/or admin analytics.  However, since they are not all there currently, I assume they must require a separate product based on what you shared above.

In addition, what is the significance of the icon next to the name of some of the reports?

Community Participant

So @GergelyTar is it safe to say that after all these years there is still no way to download student by student individual question responses into a csv file in a New Quizzes quiz? We've always been able to do this in Classic Quizzes, and so far never been able to do it in New Quizzes. This is despite asking for it for years on the product development pages. This feature is mandatory if we are to use New Quizzes in our mandatory assessment reports. 

Community Coach
Community Coach


I agree that the Student Analysis Report is highly desired with New Quizzes.  While it doesn't seem like it will be in this Analytics Hub, it does look like they have it on the Product Roadmap under the "Optimizing New Quizzes for Early Adopters".  At the moment it is listed under the "Q1 2025 & Beyond" category so it is unclear exactly how long we will need to wait for that report to be available, but they have at least confirmed it is planned for future development.

"Instructors can use detailed student analysis report to gain deeper insights into student understanding and activity on quizzes."

Community Participant

@pdaves - completely agree with your comments re the ongoing lack of analytics/exports capability in New Quizzes; our staff only discovered the inability to export after running the assessment and then having to manually extract hundreds of individual responses. There's also still no ability to extract/access New Quizzes in Canvas Data 2.

Community Participant

Yes, it was extremely good luck that, after Canvas pushed us to adopt New Quizzes by specifying a sunset date, I ran an experiment by giving the exam in New Quizzes to a small subset of students. I was horrified to find that it simply was not possible to extract the data I needed since New Quizzes lacked the functionality of Classic Quizzes. I don’t know what I would have done had I trusted Canvas and moved my entire exam to New Quizzes. I’d have lost an entire semester’s worth of data! We now have a big warning posted on our Canvas site to not use New Quizzes for anything that requires studentxquestion data. Inexcusable. 

Community Member

UPDATE - I have received the following items directly form my vendor support person. 

In the release notes it mentions that the new Analytics Hub will consolidate existing reports. I'm new to Canvas, so is it possible for someone to highlight which existing reports (say in the Analytics, or Admins Analytics) map to each of the new items listed on the Analytic Hub Cards?

Usage and adoption

  • Usage overview  < Admin Analytics overview
  • Impact Insights < Only if you have impact

Student success

  • Student Overview (Enrolled Students?). < Admin Analytics Student

Course effectiveness

  • Course Overview (Course Status?) < Admin Analytics Courses

Standards Proficiency

  • Standards Overview 

Assessment Results

  • Formative Assessments
  • Benchmark Assessments
  • State and National Assessments

Data Access

  • Canvas Data 2 Services
  • DAP CU & Client Library
  • DAP Query API
Community Contributor

Will there be access to the roll call attendance data now or at a future date?


Community Participant

Love the hub

Detest the advertisement you've foisted upon us for the new paid feature within it. Not surprised it's not in any of your example screenshots - it's terrible.

Screenshot 2024-07-18 at 8.31.58 AM.png