Say Hello to "Enhanced Gradebook Filters" as the New Default Experience in Canvas

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.



Change is a constant in the world of technology, and Canvas is no exception. On August 19th, Canvas users will bid farewell to the feature preview of "Enhanced Gradebook Filters" as it becomes the default experience for all users. While this shift marks the end of the feature preview, it doesn’t mean the end of future improvements. 

The decision to make "Enhanced Gradebook Filters" the default experience has come after a year and a half of listening to community feedback and developing solutions. By implementing user feedback and incorporating insights gained during the feature preview phase and from the feature group, we’ve ensured that the new default gradebook experience is optimized for efficiency, usability, and effectiveness.

After a period of extensive testing and feedback collection, our team has decided to make "Enhanced Gradebook Filters" the standard experience for all users. This feature, which was initially introduced as a preview, provides instructors with a more efficient and intuitive way to organize and sort their gradebooks. Its adoption by the Canvas community showcased its value, leading to the decision to make it the default gradebook experience. After August 19th, users will no longer see “Enhanced Gradebook Filters” on the Feature Options menu and the feature will be set to “on/locked” for all users.

To accommodate users who have not yet enabled this feature but are eager to explore the benefits of "Enhanced Gradebook Filters" before the official enforcement date, admins are able to turn on the feature preview before August 19th so that users can proactively enable the feature and begin utilizing its capabilities now. Additional information on using this feature can be found here




To mark the end of this phase, Canvas will be closing the dedicated user group associated with the "Enhanced Gradebook Filters" feature preview on October 18th. This group served as a platform for users to share feedback, report bugs, and suggest improvements during the testing period. While the closure of the user group might seem like the end of direct involvement, it does not signify the end of our commitment to improvement.

As we say goodbye to the feature preview of "Enhanced Gradebook Filters" and close the associated user group, it's important to recognize that this transition represents the culmination of a successful collaboration between Canvas and our Community. Without the feedback and support of our users, we wouldn’t be able to do the work we do. Thank you to all who participated in providing feedback!

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello, do you have a new Instructor Gradebook Overview video, please?    This Gradebook Overview video is the one in the Instructor Video Guides and in the Growing with Canvas Course and needs to be replaced to match with the new enhanced filters.  Thank you,

Community Novice

Hello my name is Yamileth Parrales I'm excited to learn and implement strategies about Bilingual bicultural and biliterate Knowledge to my students . 

Community Contributor

Hi, As a Canvas Admin, I am disappointed that there was not more advanced notification or communication about the enforcement date for the "Enhanced Gradebook Filters" functionality. I just learned of this today through my CSM.  As a school that was not currently using it, there is work we need to do to update some of our faculty resources and "tips" and then communicate with our faculty since there is always some anxiety about gradebook changes.  While I don't anticipate issues with the feature specifically for my faculty, this change in addition to tracking down video updates due to the Vimeo to Canvas Studio change, has added more work for my limited staff and I would have appreciated more lead time.  It is getting harder to be an admin and know where to find the most comprehensive and mission-critical information.


Community Participant

Totally agree with @lezonl2. We had evaluated this feature a while back and decided not to enable it due to some issues we encountered with it. I understand there's been a lot of work on it since then, but we haven't yet re-evaluated it and now it will automatically enabled at the busy start of our Fall term with very short notice.

Community Participant

We enabled this one at my university pretty early on and it was one of the most seamless migrations ever. We didn't really need to do any training on it and people quickly took to it. It's all upside/improvement.

There were a couple bugs with it early on  in weird situations, but they were niche. It's been smooth sailing. I wish more Canvas updates were like this one and not NQ.

And advertise the upsides: much easier filtering, and more view options that are easier to toggle, including the ability to hide subtotal grade columns (our faculty were overjoyed by this).

Community Contributor

Thank you @dkpst5 for letting us know that the migration was pretty seamless. I didn't think about being able to hid all those pesky subtotal columns. I'll be sure to include that in my WIIFM.

Community Champion

I love that we can hide subtotals now! I am doing some testing with blueprints and I am not seeing that the View Options selections to hide subtotal and total columns are coming over with the Blueprint sync. I've tried with both existing and brand new test courses. In our primary grades (K-2) we want to turn those columns off for teachers in alignment with standards-based grading practiced.

In the past I have been able to blueprints to mass apply the manually post grade setting to a select group of courses so I was expecting other options in the Settings panel  to sync with blueprints. Is this a design oversight or intentional?


Hi @lezonl2 , @TrinaAltman@Hildi_Pardo

I wanted to thank you for your feedback on the timeline and notification of this change. I'll work internally to ensure that the next time a change like this occurs we have a longer notification period. I also wanted to share that an updated video has been posted to the feature group here

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you!   Just a reminder that this Gradebook Overview video also needs to be updated/ replaced, please:



Community Explorer

Will the issues regarding Section lists being out of order be resolved before this release is enforced? 
At present, it is one of the reasons we haven't turned it on by default. Section lists aren't displayed in order making it difficult for instructors managing large cohorts with multiple sections to filter using the drop-downs. 

Community Coach
Community Coach

@audra_agnelly, I have not tested with blueprints but I have tested with just copying courses from the GUI. From my experience with copying the courses that were using enhance gradebook filters, it does not appear that they are able to be copied because they are only filters. Maybe if the filters were settings (similar to manually posting grades and had a direct impact on the grading process) they could be copied and/or included in blueprint.

@SamGarza1, would you (or someone else internally at Instructure/Canvas) be willing to comment on this?

Community Coach
Community Coach

@AM_Learning Thanks for posting that the section list is still out of order in the filter. I had forgotten about this issue.

There was a reply about this from @jsailor on another post in April. I guess that engineers haven't done this yet, because I see sections out of order in the enhanced filter.

It would be really great to have this fixed before all users have to use these filters, @SamGarza1 .

Community Coach
Community Coach


@SamGarza1, can you please provide a response to this?

As an admin, I went into some of our Summer semester course shells that have multiple sections, looked at the "Sections" area of the enhanced gradebook filters, and the sections are not in a logical (whether by section name or section SIS ID) order.



Hi @AM_Learning @stimme @dbrace, thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Our team will work to ensure that the section ordering is fixed before everyone needs to use this feature. 

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you, @SamGarza1.

When this has been fixed, do you know if the display order will be based on:

(a) section name

(b) section ID (what would appear as the link if the section itself were pulled up from within "Settings > Sections")

(c) section SIS ID (which not every section has)

Whatever the display order is, please make sure that it is documented somewhere in one of the "Enhanced Gradebook Filters" guides within the instructor guides so that we/support can reference it.

Community Champion

@dbrace correct, I wouldn't expect filters to carry over in a course copy/blueprint. I made changes under the gradebook settings menu which now has 3 tabs Late Policies, Grade Posting Policy, and View Options. When a late or grade posting policy has been set, that policy will carry over in a course import or blueprint copy. In testing, I found that the same was not true for the options selected under the View Options tab. In our lower elementary grades we would like to preemptively hide subtotal and total columns for teachers, students, and parents since those averages do not align with district grade reporting procedures at those grade levels. I would expect selections made under any of the 3 settings tabs to have the same behavior when copying content.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Thank you for that clarification, @audra_agnelly.

I do agree with you though that these settings should be included in the copy/blueprint.

@SamGarza1, can you (or someone else) comment on this?

Community Coach
Community Coach

Quite a lot of functionality to get our users heads around here, although I'm not sure that a settings 'cog' is as intuitive as a pill might be to guide colleagues to their filter options ....

The more critical question is whether we are going to see filters added to the Learning Mastery (aka Learning Outcomes) gradebook. In particular we really need to see section based filtering available in the first instance. This is essential to allow us to continue the differentiation that we make at section level (in our crosslisted sites) through to our review of student outcomes.

WOuld this be picked up in the gradebook discussion or in the learning outcomes discussion, please @SamGarza1 ? 

Community Novice

You must not have listened closely enough. These "new" features are terrible. Added multiple steps to things that were simple and effortless. Whoever came up with this clearly doesn't teach and have multiple gradebooks to switch between.

Community Member



How do I view all my classes at once under the sections menus?  Currently I can only view say period 1 or period 3 individually, but when both periods 1 and 3 are the same level do I see them all at once like I used to be able to do under the previous set up?  Under the previous menu I was able to default a grade to all like levels at once.

Thank you,

A Guerrero


Community Member


I just found out that when you initially open sections...all like classes are opened...then, if one clicks on a specific class, only that class is shown...if one clicks on that same class and removes the checkmark so that no checkmarks are shown then all like classes are shown.

A Guerrero


Community Novice

I would like to have the sections drop-down menu added back to the top right of the screen.  It was previously one click to get from one section to another.  Now, it takes at least 3- really 4 because the menu doesn't disappear on it's own- to go between sections.  For a teacher who cross-lists classes, this is making it more difficult rather than easier.

Community Member


We have found that when you have many groups or assignment groups, there is no easy way to scroll the list then creating a filer. You can either use the down-arrow on the key boar, or mimimize the web browser to see the entire list, neither of wich is particular user friendly. We reallly hope you can add scroll in the list, or the ability to search within the list. 

Community Member

Please see this entire conversation.  Our admin told us nothing about this and none of us like it.  It makes using our grade books very very cumbersome. Teachers with 100 or more kids daily do not have time to read Canvas forums or participate in rollouts.  We do not like it at all and neither do any teachers in a neighboring district.  Interface developers are not teachers.  Teachers are already overwhelmed and we have no time to get on here to learn about anything--until it goes wrong, and that's why I am on here tonight.  Please at least give us the option to continue using our grade books in the same format we always have.


Community Contributor

Update: @james_whalley pointed out to me that "notes" is now available as a checkbox in the Gradebook Settings area. 

This is a nice feature but losing the "view" options is a problem. For example, if you would like to display the "Notes" feature, you have to go into your feature options and disable advanced filtering, go back to the gradebook and enable the Notes option. Then go back to feature options and re-enable advanced filtering. At that point you will have access to Notes and Advanced Filtering. 

Community Coach
Community Coach

@Kevin_W Are Notes not available to you under View Options in the Gradebook settings by default? 

Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 7.54.09 AM.png

Community Contributor

@james_whalley: They are...I had overlooked that they were moved there. Thanks for pointing that out! 

Community Member

I really appreciate that Canvas seeks to change and improve.  However, overall, this change has been negative for our school.  Our teachers' reactions seem to match what I have seen online.

New "View Options" : good and welcome changes

Filters: Less intuitive and less efficient for anyone dealing with multiple sections.  The most common filter used for us is "Sections" which is used by almost every teacher almost everyday is now double the clicks. 

Timing: Terrible

Community Member

Please bring back the ability to sort gradebook by assignment groups (top right) rather than multiple clicks in filters.

This was a very useful feature and now my gradebooks require steps just to make them viewable and then you have to repeat the entire process to see a different group.

VERY time consuming and disapointing.

Community Participant

@SHAWNABYNUM @DavidBussen @REBEKAHZEHR @libbee3 


I could not agree more with these responses and there are plenty of other conversations discussing the same theme that this "enhanced" feature just made teachers have to do 1,000 more clicks, far less intuitive, far more cumbersome, and that people are missing the ease that the previous gradebook had. 


As a Teacher on Special Assignment that works for the district, there is not one good word about this from our staff, all I have received are complaints and PLEAS for me to remove it. 


Give users the choice to use the filter system or the previous system. 

Community Coach
Community Coach

@SamGarza1  We are in the 2nd day of classes. And after a dozen faculty members reached out asking where the drop-down is to switch course sections or how to switch back to the old gradebook, I went into my admin Feature Options, in hope that we could turn this feature preview off.  But it appears it's not longer an option?  Is that correct?

Please consider making this back into an option that we (admins) or teachers can decide which to use, or go back to the old until the new one has some more user input to smooth it out. This is simply not user friendly and way too time-consuming and overwhelming for something that was once a simple process.

Thank you for considering!

Community Participant

I share the same sentiments... as admin, we would like to turn this feature OFF and revert back to the previous way it was.

Community Coach
Community Coach

@SamGarza1  Another email I just received from one of my faculty members.

"Is there any way to change the view of the gradebook back to what it was? Or to make it simpler to look between sections? I find it's more tedious now to toggle between sections."

Community Coach
Community Coach

Our teacher also are complaining:  "Normally when I go to the gradebook I can toggle back and forth between the different course sections so that I can see and grade one class at a time. This year, I have to apply a filter and it's like a 5 step process just to change classes, then I have to repeat the 5 steps to get to the next class- it's no longer a one step toggle"

Community Participant

I really don't get these complaints about section switching. It's one extra click. Apply filters -> sections -> (select section). And the feature's always there, no need to go to view to enable it like you used to. And the filter-by-sections list is there automatically without needing to create them.

Are teachers trained inappropriately that they have to use the manage and use presets window for the basic filtering?

That said, "sort by assignment group" IS missing. It used to be that sort by "default" would sort gradebook columns to the same ordering as the assignments page. Now it's... who knows what? Creation order?

Community Participant

@dkpst5 these complaints are entirely valid - you cannot easily filter with multiple class periods at one time now - as you could have easily done before

You have to drag down to Sections - CLICK - then select the one period you can choose - CLICK - when before it was seamless and simple 

It is these types of things that when Canvas portrays as "enhanced" when it is just yet again another "click" is a death by a thousand paper cuts to teachers that have to enter in grades regularly

Community Participant

@Hildi_Pardo I could not agree more with your comment and our teachers feel the exact same way and it is infuriating 

Community Coach
Community Coach

Our teachers are frustrated that our co-seated students (who exist in separate sections) cannot be seen together in the Gradebook because the filter only allows teachers to select one section at a time.

Community Participant

Our teachers are also complaining that they cannot see multiple sections at one time with this new filter system, just as @pjarosz said as well 

This was easily available in the old version which made it more simple and user-friendly for teachers

Please allow for the admin level to choose which interface their district uses

Community Champion

@mathlete you could not filter on multiple sections in the old interface either. Both past and present UI's only allow you to select one section at a time. I have many teachers with various use cases that would like to be able to filter their gradebook on multiple sections, and this is something we submitted an Idea for years ago. I'd love if this update would allow multiple selections per filter category.

Community Participant

@audra_agnelly At this point, there is nothing redeemable about the new filter system, it is exhausting to say the least, and we would like to be capable of going back to the old filter system, even if that means we still don't get multiple section view (although that would be a perfect world, and I wish Canvas strived more to get closer to as perfect as possible)

Community Novice

Thank you....Please see the comments on here about the filter presets for multiple sections.

Community Participant

@Hildi_Pardo I couldn't agree more with Hildi's statement and all of our teachers are stating the same exact issue - why is it so difficult for Canvas to listen to complaints and pivot?


Hello All! I recently joined the wonderful folks here at Instructure and am now a part of the Canvas LMS team. I regret the delayed response, but please be assured that none of your feedback or comments are going unnoticed. We understand the need to reduce the number of clicks required to switch sections and to have the added ability to select multiple options at once. We are currently working on these improvements, and they will be implemented in future releases. More details will follow! In the meantime, we look forward to your ongoing and invaluable contributions to the community.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Welcome to Instructure and THE best LMS Community, @RaviKoll ! We're excited to collaborate and work with you!

Community Participant

Happy to hear that our complaints are being listened to, however I was to emphasize that until it is actually fixed, teachers won't feel heard or understood. 


To reiterate one of the posts I already made, when someone tried to downplay this that it is just "one more click" (to which it is not) - I want to be clear that prior, you could just type in the Section/Class Period you wanted and it was easy and seamless

Now... You have to

1) drag down to Sections


3) then select the one period you can choose



When something goes from 1 step to 4 steps, it feels like that death by a thousand paper cuts to teachers that have to enter in grades regularly for up to six class periods a day

Thank you for your time in taking this matter seriously! Honestly, our teachers would love to have access to the last year's gradebook available - maybe they could choose if they want to use the "Enhanced" version or "Classic" version - similar to being able to choose between Card View or not on the Dashboard - so it could be up to teacher discretion. 

Community Member

Absolutely hate the "Enhanced" grade book. It simply does not function properly. When I move columns, headings end up assigned to different columns, and where is my favorite filter? 'Assignment Group' Am not happy with this supposed 'upgrade.' You need a feature that allows us to move columns in the grade book the way we can move modules, assignments, pages, etc. in the modules section - an ellipsis with a "Move to" option instead of having to click and drag, then slide the book, then click and drag again, just to get the assignment groups to line up. Also, would greatly appreciate a way to jump from assignment to assignment within the Speedgrader. That way I could look at all submissions from a single student, or jump to grading the next assignment without having to go out and come back in again.

Community Participant

@GlennaGelfand I completely agree with "it simply does not function properly" and also agree with your use of quotation marks around "enhanced" gradebook due to the irony since the previous version was the far more enhanced version by comparison. Canvas should be intuitive, but instead, every time a Canvas update is made, there are more clicks and less understanding. At this point, please just give users the option to choose between the old and new version. 

Community Participant

@PaulvanEmden @bontomasin 

Since I cannot reply in the other idea ( ) 


I am sharing that I am in full agreement with the statements below...


Problem statement:

Prior to the new gradebook update, teachers could select an interface and it would be the same interface whence they returned to their gradebook. This year, teachers need to reset their interface each time they return. For example, if I wish to look at my grades Newest to Oldest, I have to choose this each time. In addition, teachers who cross list courses must select each course section individually from the drop down menu on the left. This is a multi-click process for each class, each time. Last year, we selected the options and had a simple drop down on the right to select the section we were working on.

Proposed solution:

Please return the simple drop down option for selecting courses you have cross listed. Also, once the teacher changes the setting of the gradebook view, that should remain that way unless they change it. Canvas is an amazing tool but teachers are overwhelmed and it takes very little to have them completely abandon an excellent tool. This is a daily battle we face as admins and teachers need help not more challenges and steps.