Accessing my assignments
As a student, your instructor manages access to assignments. If you cannot access an assignment, first contact your instructor and ask them to confirm that the assignment is assigned to you, published, and located somewhere in the course that you can access.
Depending on how your instructor configured your course, you may be able to access assignments from a few locations.
Note: If your assignment uses an external service or tool, the tool may restrict access to the assignment (i.e. assignment access dates set within the tool). Check with your instructor, or reach out to the support team for the external service or tool for more information.
Open Assignments

In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link. If this link does not display, it is disabled in your course.
View Assignments Index Page

The Assignments Index page displays a list of all graded items assigned to you in your course, including discussions [1], quizzes [2], and assignments [3]. You can also search for a specific assignment [4]. Learn more about the Assignments Index Page.
Open Modules

In Course Navigation, click the Modules link. If this link does not display, it is disabled in your course.
View Modules

The Modules page displays all published modules in your course. Your instructor determines the order of the modules as well as the items included in each module.
You may be able to locate and access assignments on the Modules page. Learn more about viewing Modules.
Open Index Pages

In Course Navigation, you may be able to click the Discussions link [1] or the Quizzes link [2].
Filter Displayed Results

On the Quizzes page, you can search for a quiz [1].
On the Discussions page, you can filter [2] and search discussions [3].
View Course To-Do List

In the course sidebar, the To Do list displays all recent announcements and up to seven assignments that are due in upcoming weeks, including ungraded quizzes and assignments that do not require a submission.