Using an external tool in my course
Many external apps (LTIs) can be accessed from Course Navigation. However, you may have to enable the link in your Course Settings before it displays in Course Navigation.
Note: Some apps are hidden from certain roles. If you are a student or TA, contact your instructor.
Review Course Navigation Settings

External Apps are not always enabled in Course Navigation by default. To enable a Course Navigation link, click the Settings link [1]. Then click the Navigation tab [2].
Locate the external app and ensure it is enabled. When finished, click the Save button [4].
Review Current External Apps

You can also verify that the External Tool is added in your course. In Course Settings, click the Apps tab [1]. Then click the View App Configuration button [2].
App Configurations displays a list of all apps in your course. If the desired app is not there, you may need to add the LTI. You may need to reach out to your Canvas admin for help adding an app.
Review External App Documentation
Not all apps display a link in Course Navigation. You may only access some apps from Assignments or Modules or when using the Rich Content Editor. You can manage external app placement for a course.
For more information about an app's exact availability and functionality within Canvas, review the documentation created by the application's provider or contact the app support team for further information.