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Administrators can create Groups to quickly assign a regular slate of user/s to review product requests, submit feedback, or review provider applications.
Groups may contain individual members, organizations or other groups.
Adding a Group
To add a new group to your organization, navigate to Members > Groups [1]. From there select Create New Group [2].
A pop-up will guide you through creating a group from scratch. You will be prompted to add an icon for the group (optional) [1], name your group [2], provide a brief description of the group’s purpose (required) [3] and select the group’s participants [4]. These can be individuals, other groups (for example, "my product review group" also contains my "legal review group") or even organizations. If a desired participant is not on your current list of members, you may still include them as a group member and assign them actions [5].
Editing or Delete a Group
Editing a group is exactly the same as creating with the exception that you initiate the edit by selecting the edit pencil icon [1]. Deleting a group is accomplished by selecting the delete icon [2] and confirming the action.
Editing group membership will not affect any assignments made up to that point. For example, if you assigned Group A to review "Provider Application 1" and you later removed an educator, Sally, from Group A, Sally would still be assigned as a reviewer of "Provider Application 1".
Assigning a Group
To assign a group select the Add Reviewer button
Individuals can be assigned as Reviewers by selecting Educators, locating the individual and selecting them.
Click the Groups button at the top [1] to select groups you would like to add and when you have added all the individuals and/or groups that you require [2], then select Add at the bottom [3]. All selections will then be added as reviewers to the workflow.
Editing group membership will not affect any assignments made up to that point. If I had assigned Group A to review Provider Application1 and I later removed Sally from Group A, Sally would still be assigned as a reviewer of Provider Application1.
Quick Tips:
- If a group of multiple individuals is assigned to review a product request, the first person in the group to complete the task, will close the review. In this situation a group is used so that the review process can quickly move forward. If you want each person to complete a review, assign them as individuals.
- Consider making groups for an individual that will play a role in your review processes. Updating a member of a group is easier than updating all workflow details. In addition, names can be forgotten or mixed up, using a group can make this process easier. For example, remember John Doe is the new Data Privacy Officer instead of just assigning the data privacy review group.
- If a group of multiple people are assigned to complete product feedback, all group members are able to complete the feedback request.
What is the purpose of this campaign?
The purpose of this walkthrough is to guide instructors through the process of weighting their assignment groups.
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You can create a group assignment by using the Group Assignment checkbox. Canvas uses group sets to assign group assignments, and each group within the group set that is assigned to the assignment is required to complete the assignment. When creating or editing a group assignment, you can assign an assignment to specific groups. You can also set different due dates and availability dates for a group within an assignment that is assigned to the rest of the class.
You will need to assign a group set as part of the assignment. You can add an existing group set, or you can create a new group set as part of the assignment and add students to groups later. However, if you create a group set with self sign-up or manual group assignments, you will not be able to use the group set until users have been added to the subgroups. Student-created groups cannot be used for group assignments.
When Multiple Grading Periods are enabled in a course, assignments are also respected against closed grading periods.
- In group assignments, one submission will count for the entire group. Learn more about evaluating group work.
- Group assignments cannot be used with External Tool assignments.
- Students should be assigned to groups before group assignments are published. Grades and submissions may be affected for students who were not in a group at the time of assignment submission but who were later added to a group or students who were removed from a group.
- If multiple due dates apply to a student, Canvas will assign the latest due date to the student. For example, if the group due date is November 18 and a student's individual due date is November 20, the student will be assigned a due date of November 20.
Open Assignments
In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
Add Assignment
Click the Add Assignment button.
Select Group Assignment
Click the This is a Group Assignment checkbox.
Assign Grades Individually
You can choose to assign grades to students individually by selecting the Assign Grades to Each Student Individually checkbox.
If this box is left unchecked, all the students in the group will receive the same grade.
Select Group Set
To select an existing group set, click the Group Set drop-down menu [1]. To create a new group set, click the New Group Category button [2].
Note: Groups created by students cannot be used for Group Assignments and do not appear in the drop-down menu.
Require Peer Reviews
Peer reviews can be used with group assignments. If you want to assign peer reviews, click the Require Peer Reviews checkbox.
Assign Different Dates for Groups
By default, the assignment is assigned to everyone in your course. To add different due and availability dates for specific groups or users in your course, click the Add Assign To button [1].
Then start to type part of the group name in the new Assign To field [2]. Click the group's name when it appears [3]. Lists are not scrollable.
You can include more than one group in the Assign To field as long as the groups are to be assigned the same due and availability dates.
Assign to Group Only
To create an assignment that is only for a specific group in the group set, click the Remove icon next to the Everyone label [1].
Start to type the name of a group in the Assign To field [2]. Click the group's name when it appears [3].
Note: Students can only view the assignment if they are a member of an assigned group, an assigned user, or if you assign to Everyone or to Everyone Else. Otherwise, the assignment does not appear in the student's Assignments page. You cannot grade students who have not been included in the assignment, and assignments that are not assigned to a student are not factored into overall grades.
Edit Due and Availability Dates
In the date fields, add your preferred date(s) with the following options:
- Due Date [1]: Set the date and time that the assignment is due. The due date will already be populated for you if you created an assignment shell, but you can change it if necessary.
- Available from [2]: Set the date and time when the assignment will become available.
- Until [3]: Set the date and time when the assignment will no longer be available.
Note: Beneath the Due Date and Availability date fields, Canvas displays the time zone date and time according to context. If you manage courses in a time zone other than your local time zone and create or edit a due date for an assignment, the course and local times are displayed for reference.
Remove Dates
You can also delete additional dates by clicking the Clear link next to the appropriate date.
Save and Publish
If you are ready to publish your assignment, click the Save & Publish button [1]. If you want to create a draft of your assignment and publish it later, click the Save button [2].
View Date Error
If you submit an invalid string of due dates and try to save the assignment, Canvas generates an error notification. Such invalid entries include not unlocking the assignment before it is due, not placing the due date inside the range of availability dates, or assigning a date that is outside the course or term dates.
Correct the date and then update the assignment again.
- If the course does not include specified course start and end dates, Canvas validates the assignment against the term date set for the course.
- If your course is using Multiple Grading Periods, the Assign field validates the due date against the closed grading period and requires the assignment date to be past the date of the closed grading period.
View Assignment Dates
View the dates and users assigned to the assignment.
View Assignments Page
On the Assignments Index Page, the assignment displays. If there are multiple users and dates assigned to the assignment, you can hover over the text to view date availability.
On their Assignments page, students can view their group assignments along with all other assignments.
Students can learn more about using groups as a student and submitting assignments on behalf of the group.
This behavior has been resolved and deployed to the production environment as of 10/9/24.
When creating a discussion, if an assignment group has been deleted they will still appear as an option when selecting an assignment group to move the new discussion into.
Expected Behavior
Deleted assignment groups should not be displayed.
No workaround exists at this time.
Steps to Reproduce
Prerequisites: A course with at least two assignment groups.
Go to Assignments
Delete one of the assignment groups.
Create a graded discussion
On the drop down for Assignment Group, click on this an notice that the deleted assignment group is also listed.
Additional Info
Known issues indicate notable behaviors that have been escalated to the Canvas engineering team. Known issues are not a guarantee for an immediate resolution. This document is for informational purposes only and does not replace the Support process. If you are encountering the behavior outlined in this document, please ensure you have submitted a Support case (per your institution's escalation process) so Canvas Support can adequately gauge the overall customer impact and prioritize appropriately.
- Tags:
- 2024-10-09
- VICE-4463
Group assignments allow you to quickly score all members of the group at the same time. There are occasions, though, where you may want to provide a different score for specific students on group assignments, while still grading the group as a whole.
- Any changes made to individuals in the gradebook on groups assignments will also change the scores for their entire group.
- Ensure that you have either automatically or manually assigned students to a group.
Hide Grades
Before you begin, you may want to set the assignment Grade Posting Policy to manually post grades for the group assignment. When grades are hidden, a notification will not be sent to students when grades are modified.
Open Assignment
In SpeedGrader, click the assignment title to open the assignment details page. You can also access the assignment from the Assignments page.
Edit Assignment
To edit the assignment, click the Edit button.
Edit Group Assignment Settings
To enable the ability to assign grades to each student individually for a group assignment, click the Assign Grades to Each Student Individually checkbox.
Grade Individual Students
In the Gradebook, you can now assign an individual grade to each student without affecting the previously assigned group grade.
Post Grades
If you chose to manually post grades, you must post grades to make them visible to students. Click the Options icon [1] for the assignment and select the Post grades option from the drop-down menu [2].
Once you have added assignments to your assignment group, you can create rules for the entire assignment group. Assignment group rules determine how Canvas handles any exceptions you want to create for grade calculations. Assignment groups can be weighted or unweighted.
When using the lowest or highest score rule, an assignment group must include at least one score, plus the number of dropped scores and the number of assignments that should not be dropped. For instance, if you have a rule for dropping three scores and one Never Drop assignment, you would need five student scores in the assignment group to have all three lowest or highest scores dropped.
Canvas considers how the rule most negatively or positively affects the student's overall score. A rule to drop the lowest score will remove the assignment score(s) from a student's group percentage calculation that will result in the best possible score for that group. A rule to drop the highest score will remove the assignment score(s) from a student's group percentage calculation that will result in the lowest possible score for that group. Dropping both the lowest and the highest score(s) removes any outlying scores and calculates a student’s grade based upon the remaining middle scores.
Dropping scores is based on the impact to the total points for that assignment group. In some cases, the point value may be considered more important than percentage score when determining which assignment to drop. For example, if a student earns 100% on a 50-point assignment, 65% on a 100-point assignment, and 50% on a 24-point assignment, the student’s total score is 127 out of 174 points, or 73% for the assignment group. If an instructor sets a rule to drop the assignment with the lowest score in the assignment group, Canvas will drop the score that gives the student a better total score for the group. Even though the 50% score is the lowest percentage, the assignment with the 65% score will be dropped, giving the student a score of 62 out of 74 points, or an 84%, for the assignment group.
Multiple Grading Periods
If your course includes Multiple Grading Periods, you cannot change assignment group rules once an assignment group has assignments in a closed grading period.
Additionally, if an assignment group contains assignments that fall into multiple grading periods, grades may have unintended consequences when calculating assignment group rules.
Open Assignments
In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
Edit Assignment Group
Click the Assignment Group Options drop-down menu [1]. Click the Edit link [2].
Create Rules
For each Assignment Group, you can create one of three grading rules:
- Drop (ignore) the lowest x scores for each student [1].
- Drop (ignore) the highest x scores for each student [2].
- Never drop a specific assignment [3].
Drop Lowest Score
To drop a certain number of lowest scores, enter the number in the Lowest Scores field. You can use the arrows to adjust the number.
Drop Highest Score
To drop a certain number of highest scores, enter the number in the Highest Scores field. You can use the arrows to adjust the number.
Never Drop Assignment
To tell Canvas to never drop a certain assignment, click the Add an assignment link.
Select Assignment
In the Assignment drop-down menu [1], select the name of the assignment in the Assignment Group that should never be dropped.
To select another assignment, click the Add another assignment link [2].
Save Rules
When you are finished adding rules, click the Save button.
View Assignment Group Rules
In the Assignment Group toolbar, Canvas will show the number of rules assigned to the group [1]. Hover over the link to view the rules [2].
As an instructor, you can manually add students to a group in both published and unpublished courses. Alternatively, you can choose to automatically assign students to groups or create and assign students to groups by importing a CSV file.
Note: In group assignments, all students should be assigned to groups before the assignment is published. Grades and submissions may be affected for students who were not in a group at the time of assignment submission but who were later added to a group.
Open People
In Course Navigation, click the People link.
Confirm Groups
Confirm you have created all the groups for this group set. If you need more groups, you can create additional groups manually.
Manually Assign via Drag and Drop
In the Unassigned Students section, find the student you want to add to a group [1]. Click the student's name and drag it to the group [2].
Manually Assign via Add Icon
You can also click the student name Add icon [1] and select the group name [2].
View Groups
Canvas will update the member count for that group to show the student has been added [1].
Continue to manually add students to groups until all students have been added.
To expand the group and view all group members, click the arrow icon next to the group name [2].
You can also move students between groups if necessary.
Before you can evaluate group work, you will need to create a group assignment. Students can submit Google documents, pages, and other group work as an assignment.
Note: Students should be assigned to groups before group assignments are published. Grades and submissions may be affected for students who were not in a group at the time of assignment submission but who were later added to a group or students who were removed from a group.
View Group Submissions
When evaluating group assignments, the SpeedGrader drop-down menu displays the name of each group. Select the name of the group whose submission you want to view.
Grade Submission
To submit a grade for all members of the group, enter the grade in the Grade field [1].
If a Rubric is attached to the assignment, you can view the rubric by clicking the View Rubric button [2]. If your rubric is set up for grading, the Grade field will automatically populate with the rubric grade results.
Send Group Feedback
You can leave feedback comments using the Assignment Comments section [1]. Comments made on group assignments that are not graded individually are sent to the whole group [2]. Assignment comments display as a new thread in Conversations.
View Group Submission with Individual Grading
If the group assignment was set up to assign grades to each student individually, the submission will still apply for each group member's assignment, but the drop-down menu displays the name of each individual student [1].
When grading the submission [2], the entered grade will only apply for the student whose submission you are viewing.
Individually graded group assignments include commenting options. To send your comment to one student in a group, select Send comment to this student only [3]. To send your comment to the whole group, select Send comment to the whole group [4]. Then, click the Submit button [5].
Individual comments also appear in the Submission Comments filter in Conversations.
Using Assignment Groups allows you to organize the assignments in your course.
When Assignment Groups are set up you can weight the final course grade based on assignment groups, and filter by assignment groups in the Gradebook.
Open Assignments
In Course Navigation, click the Assignments link.
Add Assignment Group
Click the Add Group button.
Create Assignment Group
Type the Assignment Group Name in the Group Name field [1]. If you want to weight the final grade for students using assignment groups, the percentage will appear in % of total grade field [2].
Note: You must create assignment groups before you can assign percentages to each group.
Save Assignment Group
Click the Save button.
View Assignment Group
View your Assignment Group.
Learn how to create assignment shells and assignments for your Assignment Group.
Manage Assignment Group
To manage an assignment group, click the group's Options drop-down menu [1].
To edit the Assignment Group, click the Edit link [2]. You can edit the Assignment Group name and the weighted percentage (if applicable). After you've added assignments to your Assignment Group, you can also edit the Assignment Group to set Assignment Group rules.
To delete the Assignment Group, click the Delete link [3].
To move all content from an assignment group into another group, click the Move Contents link [4].
To move or reorder an assignment group on the Assignments page, click the Move Groups link [5].
Delete Group
If you want to delete an assignment group that has assignments in it, Canvas will ask you if you want to Delete the assignments (default) [1] or move the assignments to another group [2]. When you are finished, click the Delete Group button [3].
Student groups have their own associated files. As a student, you may be added to a group within your course. Groups files include any content uploaded to your group workspace. As an instructor, you may be added to a group within your institution.
Group files include uploaded assignment submissions, files for projects, and other group-related items uploaded to your group storage area.
- By default, each group has 50 MB of storage space in Canvas. Administrators can change the quota for the entire institution or on a group-by-group basis.
- Group files are automatically published when they are uploaded to the group.
- All group members have the same permissions to moderate files, including uploading files, publishing files, restricting access, and deleting files.
00:07: How do I view group files? 00:09: Click the group's link then click the name of the group. 00:13: In group navigation click the files link 00:17: All your group folders display in the left panel View files in the right panel 00:21: by clicking the name of a folder. 00:24: You can view your group quota and what percentage of that quota has been used. 00:28: Files that have been submitted as group assignments and group graded discussions do 00:32: not apply to the user quota. 00:35: If you want to see the files for all your courses and or groups, click the all 00:39: my files link. Canvas will refresh the page to show your user files 00:43: page with all courses and group folders. 00:47: The group's folder creates folders based on default events in canvas. 00:50: Once you upload a file related to one of these areas the folder 00:54: and accompanying file will be created for you. 00:58: The submissions folder contains copies of your assignment submissions assignments 01:02: are organized by course folder and displayed alphabetically. 01:07: The unfiled folder stores files that you attach to discussion topics or 01:11: discussion replies if attachments are allowed by your instructor. 01:16: Group files also includes any additional folders you create to organize your 01:20: files as well as any files not uploaded to a specific folder. 01:24: Any files in the group folder that are not related to assignment submissions count 01:28: toward your user quota. All files can be viewed by all group 01:33: members, please note that all group members hold the same permissions. 01:36: So one group member can delete or move files uploaded by another group 01:41: member. Group files are published by default. 01:45: This guide covered how to view group files
Open Groups
In Global Navigation, click the Groups link [1], then click the name of the group in which you are a member [2].
Note: If you are an instructor, you can also access student groups through the People link in Course Navigation.
Open Files
In Groups Navigation, click the Files link.
View Group Files
All files can be viewed by all group members [1]. All group members hold the same permissions, so one group member can delete or move files uploaded by another group member.
Group files are published by default.
You can view the quota for your group and what percentage of that quota has been used [2]. Files that have been submitted as group assignments do not apply to the group quota.
If you want to see the Files for all your groups, click the All My Files link [3]. Canvas will display your User Files page with all group folders displayed below your user files.
Learn more about how to use Files.